Things to Remeber Before you Start Manifesting

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Some things you need to remember before you start manifesting are:
- always show gratitude toward the universe
- trust the universe
- try not to think negatively about yourself. if you do, focus on reframing your thoughts. for example, if you think "i'm so dumb. i cant even spell correctly" reframe it to "even though spelling isn't my strongest skill, i'm still smart".
- you may not always get what your manifesting. sometimes the universe knows it's bad for you.
- acknowledge your doubts but don't dwell on them (trust the process)
- always let things go when your done manifesting
- the universe will give you signs when i your manifestation is close (we'll talk about that in part 3)
- be open to what the universe sends your way
- don't start manifesting unless your in a good headspace or you won't get results

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