Ruckus and Jam

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Bella's POV: (pic of Bella above or to the side :p)
"... We'll be home soon so dry your eyes! Youll be okay!" Danny sang and almost immediatly started screaming "OH MY GOD! THE WATER IS RISING! ITS RISING!" His eyes and my eyes met and a smirk grew on his face not looking away from my eyes as he sand the next line "YOU DESERVE TO BELIEVE IN ME! FAILING THAT ILL RIDE THIS STORM ALONE! WE CAN STILL MAKE IT OUT!"

He looked away to the crowd infront of him and Ben, Cameron and Sam head banged along with him and James played his drums swiftly "FUCK" all of them said "I CAN HELP YOU THROUGH THIS! BUT YOU HAVE TO TAKE MY HAND! I CAN TAKE YOU HOME! TAKE MT HAND! TAKE MY HAND!"

The song went on and the people were actually enjoying it. I just stood their still it shock that they play together and in public. Do they have a fanbase? Are these people their fans? I asked myself getting mad that Lexi never ever had the balls to do somthing like this cause of her 'anxiety'.

"Thank you Birmigham streets! Youve been a lovely crowd!" Ben yells as the people clappef and went on doing their own shit.

"Did you enjoy it?" Danny asked winking at me and throwing his hand over my shoulder

"Yeah you can come and fuck me later if you want" Ben, i think was his name, added throwing his hand around my other shoulder.

"Yeah right! Thats fucked up pull yourself together mate" i said throwing their hand off me and shaking my head.

"You cant do half the shit we just did, love" Cameron said with a slight laugh

"Bet she can do better though" Ben added, jerking off in the air making all the guys laugh. I couldnt help but chuckle a bit.

"Oh finally. A bitch with a sense of humor" James said giving Sam a high five.

"Well maybe if you would stop refuring to women as bitches they wouldnt be so serious towards you" i stated flipping them off and stopping in my tracks along with the five idiots

"Oooh! All about manner I see. Impresive" Sam mentions while pulling out a pack of fags. He took one out and tossed the pack to Danny who did the same and tossed it to Cameron. The cycle went on until i had the packet.

I shake my head and give it back to Sam. Danny didnt take my eyes off me. Well my breasts...

"Whats that supposed to mean?" I asked sinking in what Sam just said

"Well, someone with tattoos and makeup like you dont look like the manners type" Danny said slapping my ass making me flinch.

"What?" I said holding my face "my makeup is fine!" I said crossing my arms

"Well if you think looking like a stripper in a local punk bar is fine then yes... its amazing" Ben said taking a long puff from his ciggy. I look at the sky and it was already night. I need to get back to campus

"Wanna go out with us?" Sam asked putting his hand around my waist. I pushed him away and declined his offer

"Why not? It will be fuuunnn" James mentioned playfully pushing me with a smile on his face

I shake my head and walk away from them and back to the campus, leaving them whistling at me and laughing. "TWERK FOR US!" i heard Cameron yelled before i didnt see them any more...

Dick heads!

Lexi's POV:
Me and Austin were wasted beyond our minds and decided to call the others. But we had trouble operating my phone.

"Okay, okay wait! Wait" i slurred with a small laugh "im hungry" i blurted out but then shook my head and went back to calling Jaime.

"Hello?" Jaime said from the other line

"Hey Jaime! Um... c-could hmm could you come over to my dorm w-ith e-everyone else" i asked with a stupid grin on my face

"Ha okay... be there in ten" Jaime hung up and i smiled at Austin

"Guess what!" I yelled/slurred

"Shhh" he said putting his finger on my lips and i replaced it with my finger

"Guess what" i whispered putting my finger down

"What?" Austin whispered with a smile and resting his forhead in my forhead

"Jaime and the others! And coming over in TEN minutes" i said backing away from Austin while pointing at him then i spun around "but you didnt hear it from me" i added comimg closer again and putting my finger on his lips.

Austin lifts me up bridal style and started running around "to the kitchen my nobal knight" he said running into the kitchen and i jumped out of his arms and opened the fridge.

I sat down infront of the fridge cross legged as Austin sat behind me with his legs wide spred so i was sitting inbetween his legs.

We just sat there singing songs and swaying back and forth forgeting about the food "cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort. Suffecation, no breathing" we softly sang until there was a knock on the door

I jumped off the floor and ran to the door leaving Carlile on the floor looking at the open fridge.

I opened the door revealing Alan, Tino, Phil, Joel, Ahren, Dan, Ryan, Vic, Mike, Tony and Jaime... but no Hannah. I jumped onto Ahren, my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist "hi" i sheepishly slurred once i got off him and did the same for everyone else "come... welcome to narnia" i said with a wide smile.

After about two hours later we were all drunk, Austin and i 'drunker' than before.

"Wheres Hannah?" I asked Joel

"She didnt want to come" Joel slurred and took my hand "dance with me gorgeous" he added. Me begin wasted i agreed and we danced and danced. Honestly, thats all i remebered that night....

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