Week 1 - Not So Iced Coffee

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I never felt so happy to see my mom. She waved once she drove into the pick-up station of the parking lot and I gave a tired smile back.

"Hey, how was it?" she asked, sneaking a kiss on my cheek while I made my way into the passenger's seat.

"It was great," I mumbled, pursing my lips.

She frowned and stopped to look at me, refusing to drive off. "You don't look like it."

And I didn't. I glanced at the mirror above me and felt embarrassed at just how right she was. Besides the dreading experiences of my first day of Saturday school, the last few months had been stressful for me and I was having a hard time keeping up outer-appearances. My eyes were drooping from lack of sleep and my declining appetite started to shave off a few pounds from my already slim figure.

"Jisung, you need to talk to me if you're not feeling well, okay? I've been worried about you, especially ever since your fa—."

"Mom, I really am fine. Believe me," I assured her, taking her hand and squeezing it tightly. "School's just a lot lately and I'm just super hungry right now. Haven't eaten all day."

Her expression changed from sullen to exasperated at these words. "Why didn't you eat?!" she exclaimed. "Nevermind that, what do you want? I'll take you right now."

I grinned tiredly. "Coffee and a sandwich doesn't sound too bad right now."

"Okay, done."


My mom sped past the legal limit on the way to my favorite coffee shop, Café de Rêve. I hadn't been too interested in food lately, but if she wanted me to consume something, this was the place to take me to. She parked near the entrance then gave me her card to get what I wanted, while she waited in the car.

The inside always smelled so lovely. Nutty accents and sweet milky aromas. There were college students holed up in corners for studying and business men and women stopping by for quick pick-me-ups. I took my place in line and scanned the menu, even though I knew I was just going to get my usual.

"Iced americano and a banana bread loaf, please," I told the cashier once it was my turn. She quickly rang me up then I gave her my name and stood on the side to wait for my order.

While I waited I began to people-watch. Two guys watching a basketball game on their phones, an old couple sharing a milkshake, and a pretty girl typing on her laptop in the corner. I began to wonder what each group was thinking and if some of them were just like me.


I quickly walked over to the counter and picked up my drink and bread then exited the shop.

"I thought you said you were gonna get a sandwich?" My mom said as I plopped into the car and set my drink down in the cupholder. She began to drive off.

"Bread is good," I muttered as I bit off a mouthful and tasted the yummy banana goodness. "Tanks Mom."

"I'll cook you something at home too...Jisung, you can't be skipping meals like that. No more, okay?" I just nodded with a mouthful of loaf. She sighed and said nothing more, probably knowing I wouldn't listen.


Once we made it home, I trudged straight to my room. I set down my backpack on the floor and my half-finished bread loaf and untouched iced americano on my desk before I crashed onto my bed.

It was almost 4:00, and as I stared at the ceiling remembering the events of this tiresome day, I began to drift off into sleep.


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