Week 10 - Let's Play Hooky

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It was the last week of Saturday school. Seven more days until the final exam that would determine how well I start off my first year of college in a few months. I was nervous but glad for it to be over soon. Beside the fact that my Saturdays with Happy would be over.

I was brushing my damp hair in the shower when my mother came in, fresh from sleep.

"Morning, Jisung," she yawned, kissing me on the cheek.

"Morning, Ma," I said, messing around with the style of my hair to get it just the right amount of cool-looking but also effortlessly messy.

"My sweet boy. Let me look at you," she said, cupping her cheeks in my hands and smiling sweetly. Her smile fell when she took a good look at me. "Jisung, you look a little sick, are you feeling okay?"

"Hm? Yeah I feel great, Mom," I said, pushing her hands away from my cheeks. I had just moisturized.

"You don't look too good," she frowned. "You look like you lost more weight and your eyes are red," she nagged, examining me all over.

"I feel fine, Mom," I assured, waving her away and out of the bathroom.

"Wait, I have to brush my teeth," she said, pushing me over to share the mirror space. I sighed and exited to use the mirror in my room.

I really did feel fine. In fact, I felt better than fine. Yes, the school stress was always present, but I was actually feeling okay these days.

I shook the thought out of my head and focused on getting ready so I could leave soon. Since my mom didn't have to use the car on the weekends, she let me drive it to Saturday school ever since I finally got my license a few weeks ago. I was starting to feel old.


The atmosphere was light and fresh when I got to school. I had the feeling that today was going to be a good day. Something I hadn't felt in a while.

It was about 7:50 when I arrived to class. I immediately headed straight to my desk when I was stopped by Professor K.

"Ah Jisung!" he called, holding a piece of clothing out to me. "I believe you left this at your desk last week. My TA picked it up after class ended and left a note for me that it might be yours."

I looked at it, and it indeed was my jacket. The one I had lent to Happy last week. Why wasn't it with her?

"Yeah, that's mine. Thank you, Professor," I nodded, then took the jacket with me to my desk. I set it down and stared at it, wondering why Happy would just leave it. I stuffed it in my backpack and decided not to think about it too much.

The pressure was setting in more as the end of the program came closer and closer. It was difficult balancing studying for the program at the same time as regular school. These days, I hadn't been sleeping too well since I'd spent my afternoons to late nights with my nose in notes and diagrams and flashcards. Plus, I just typically had difficulty sleeping well.

"Morning, Jisung!"

"Hey," I greeted, engaging in a smooth handshake with Happy. She was extra pretty and flowery today, wearing a colorful sweater with her usual plain shorts and cute brown sandals. Her fingernails, along with her toenails were freshly painted with her signature color. "You look nice."

"Thank you," she sang. "Same with you, same with you."

I suddenly thought to bring up my jacket. "Hey, you know you left my jacket at school last week?" I furrowed my eyebrows, waiting on her answer.

But she didn't say much. "Oh, oops. I had no idea," she thought, tapping her chin. I decided to let it go since class was starting anyway.

Professor K quickly took attendance then began his very last lecture of the program—the male and female reproductive system.

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