Exam Day

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I woke up feeling groggy and sick from the last night's cram session. I'd been up until 3am studying for the Anatomy/Physio exam. And today was D-day.

I couldn't afford to be low-energy for the exam so I showered cold and made myself a cup of coffee to ensure I was wide awake. My mother was about as nervous as I was, so we rushed through our morning to get me to Newshore despite how early it still was. My mom didn't let me drive because she wanted me to stay cool and kept for the exam.

The silence on the ride there stressed just how nervous and anxious we both were. I kept telling myself that once it was all over, I'd no longer have to worry about this program. My weekends would be completely free. I'd no longer have to study for the class on top of regular school. And no more stressing about the exam. But it also meant that I'd possibly never see Happy again.

I clutched the wrapped banana bread from Cafe Reve in my hands as my mom sped through traffic. I brought it for Happy for after the exam, just like I promised from the bet I lost weeks ago. I figured she'd also appreciate it as an 'exam-completion gift' since I knew how much she liked sweet things. Aside from the exam tension, I couldn't wait to give it to her after we finished. Maybe I could finally ask her about a way we could keep in touch after the end of the program.

As my mom pulled into Newshore's drop-off station, she showered me with many motivational words and a kiss goodbye. Once she left, I began my very last walk toward Classroom 127.


The room was buzzing with chaos as Professor K and TA Mark struggled to deliver exam instructions whilst containing the test-anxiety building up in the room. Though I was early as usual, it came to my surprise that many other students also made the effort to come extra early on exam day. We were all instructed to leave all our belongings at the front of the class and the necessary materials would be provided to us ten minutes before the exam.

I fidgeted at my desk, continuously checking the clock for the time and the door every time someone entered in. It was twenty minutes before the exam was scheduled to begin and Happy had not arrived yet. I looked around nervously as the desks began to fill up with no sign of Happy.

Ten more minutes passed by and with every minute gone, another student would check in at the front but none of them consisted of my friend. I clutched my wrapped banana bread under my desk, trying to draw hope from it that Happy would barge through the doors last minute. Though we were told to not carry any belongings, I wanted to keep it with me to hopefully surprise Happy with it right after the exam.

I panicked as the clock struck 7:50, just ten minutes before exam time. TA Mark began to walk around passing out pencils, scratch paper, and test packets, while Professor K watched over everyone tensely. My palms began to sweat when he announced that they would be closing the doors soon, allowing no further entry.

I needed Happy here. Not just because I worried about her own test, but because she was my source of motivation through this whole program. She befriended me and stuck with me these past ten weeks and I couldn't have made it without her. It made me feel off inside that she suddenly wouldn't make it to exam day after ten weeks of hard work. Something wasn't right...

I got up from my desk and approached TA Mark as he was nearing my side of the room, passing out the test materials. "Hey, have you seen Happy?"

"Jisung, you shouldn't be up right now. We're gonna start in like less than ten minutes," he scolded, still focused on distributing stuff to other students.

I ignored his remarks and persisted to follow and ask him as he walked through the rows of students. Professor K was also calling me out for getting up but I paid no mind to him. "Wait, have you seen Happy?" I asked again.

He stopped his duties and paused me with one hand. "Dude, I have no idea what you're talking about," Mark said with a puzzled, annoyed face.

I groaned in frustration and trudged over to Professor K's desk. Time was running out.

"Mr. Park, you should be in your seat. We're about to begin the exam," Professor K told me as soon as I approached his desk.

I waved his words away and got straight to the point. "We can't. Happy isn't here yet."

Professor K gave me an awkward glance through his glasses and furrowed his eyebrows. "Jisung, my attendance sheet says that everyone checked in and is all here and accounted for."

I ruffled my hair in irritation. "Well there must be some mistake. My friend isn't here."

Professor K sighed in annoyance and picked up the attendance list, holding it up close to see well. "What was the name?" He asked, scanning the paper up and down.

"Happy." I let out a deep exhale.

He looked up at me with a bothered look on his face. "Can I get a last name, please?"

I was struck with horror as I realized I didn't even know her last name. I spent weeks with Happy, joking, playing, sharing deep conversations, but not once did she tell me her last name.

"Ah-uh-I don't know, but her name is Happy."

Professor K scanned the attendance list front and back one more time, then front and back again. Then another time for reassurance. Then he looked up at me from the paper and shot me a serious, concerned look.

"Jisung...there's no one with that name listed on our roster."

She Was Happy - NCT Dream's JisungWhere stories live. Discover now