Sam's Uninvited Guests

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Crimson Knightly.

Why does it have to be Crimson "Lapdog" Knightly? Crimson was my senior during my blossoming year in the Royal Knight Squad. He was like a second father without Madness. He was well-loved and respected by the knights. There was one flaw he had: Crim is weak to lust. Anyone he seeks, he ravages in pleasure. His desires overshadow his duties. Only high-ranked knights know about this trait. I knew about it without anyone telling me. To make a long tale short, I witnessed firsthand "Sir" Crimson's behavior. He cornered a small maid in the Queen's palace away from prying eyes. I never intervened; I stood in the dark corner watching his every move. I heard every shuffle and whimper. I couldn't take it, so I left in a silent retreat. I was a part of the Queen's Royal Knights before I retired. I knew too much beyond those castle walls. I was ecstatic when I left that place.

Now here comes an example of why I wanted to live a humble Hatter life. Sir Crimson came along with his legion of followers turning my house into an upside-down hat poundcake (that sounded delightful; perhaps a snack idea for my next teatime). Apparently, the Red Queen was aware of a new Alice – they were aware of Leonardo. It had been a week of silence until disruption occurred. That bastard had the nerve to slap my tea off my hand; the sheer audacity! Obviously, I've made tea to distract myself from the rude party crashers, but it was a fresh cup of tea!

No! Tea is not important right now, Samuel! (Though I am glad Father wasn't here to see the disruption to his tea set he gave as my housewarming gift; he would use every officer in this house as his new experiments.)

Focus, Samuel Hatter! Crimson found Leo in the hiding spot. The fact he managed to find it with ease confounded me although there were tales of Crimson Knightly being one-fourth bloodhound. Who's to say?

Sir Crimson held Leonardo tightly as the turtle tried to push the assailant away. I held in my expression. Father told me to not react; let my enemies react for me. Poke their nerves and poke some more.

"My, oh my. A Hatter keeping a hidden gem", Crimson leered at a smaller individual. His face grew closer to the turtle's striped face.

"Dude, back off! Your breath isn't minty fresh", Leon hissed.

"Well, aren't you a spitfire, little one? It's to be expected from Alice." The hungry man grabbed Leo's chin forcing the turtle to look in his direction. "I wonder if the Queen wouldn't mind me overseeing your punishment. I crave a young scream."

Leo pushed back, repulsed. "Ew."

"Sir Knightly, I hate to be the bearer of bad news", I said withholding my sarcasm, "but you are mistaken." Everyone's eyes were on me. Yes. Pay attention to the Mad Hatter. "What you have in your arms is the off-distance relative of the Mocked Turtle."

Soft whispers were held behind me. Is this true? They speak. Does the Mocked Turtle have a family? They ask. Good, the small entourage has doubts. The eldest knight, however, was not convinced.

Crimson was not pleased with my little accusation. "You lie!"

"I have never!" I dramatically placed a hand over my chest adding a soft gasp to punctuate my façade. "In the name of Hatters, I speak the truth."

Crimson twirled Leonardo around having me lock eyes with his captive. "Are you telling me this gemstone is not Alice, but rather the offspring of the Mocked Turtle?"

"Not an offspring, my good sir. A distance relative", I explained without a beat, "The Mocked Turtle came to me to ensure his young nephew was protected. The young one in your arms does not do well in large companies. That was why I hid him in my secret closet." I heard the knights' soft agreements. I was making progress.

Crimson's face cracked a devilish grin. "Well then, perhaps we can confirm your tale. We will capture the Mocked Turtle to evaluate your statement. If it is true, all charges will be dropped. If false, you will be faced with treason which includes execution." He shoved Leonardo to the doorway, but I blocked his path. The knights held their spears in my face. "Problem, Mad Hatter."

"I swore to protect my guest. As a Hatter, I am devoted to my task. I should remind you that you are in the northeast of the Hatter's Domain."

Crimson let out a loud laugh. "Ha! Do you believe your father holds more fear than the Queen? Surely you jest!"

"Not my father. Me." his dark eyes narrowed. "You were my senior in the Royal Guards, but I was above you combat-wise. I have beaten you time and time again. Humiliated you in front of your knights, the royal servants, and, oh my, and the Queen themself. You were named the Queen's Lapdog, but I was their favorite. If I wanted to, I could take each one of you while drinking my cup of tea. You walk out that door and I will kill you for stealing what belongs to me. The Queen loves severed heads as trophies. I'm certain she wouldn't mind yours on a wooden stake."

My former commanding officer seethed in anger. He knew what I was capable of. Not to mention, I was – AM – the Queen's favorite. If the wind gets hold of their little troops bothering me, well, it's off with their heads. The man shoved Leonardo and I managed to hold the turtle safely from the man's aggressive nature.

"If you lie in the Queen's name, I will kill you myself. I do not care if you were their favorite", Crimson warned, "I will gladly watch your execution with your little Mocked Turtle by my side. Men, we move out!" His knights stood there dumbfounded.

"But sir", one knight bravely asked, "what about the Queen's order?"

"Delayed until further notice", Crimson answered harshly before focusing on me and Leo. "When I get back, that turtle will be mine."

"In your dreams, asshole", Leo venomously spoke. I could have said it better myself.

"Yes", the man in red armor grabbed a bandana tail and placed a kiss, "I do see us in that dream. And must I say, you were lovely?" I slapped the hand while glaring at the knight. "Samuel, keep the turtle warm for me. I do like them warm-blooded." He exited my house with laughter along with his hench knights, obviously having no idea what their commander implied.

I slammed the door shut with force. Many trinkets shook but didn't fall. I released a held breath. At least I bought us some time. We cannot stay here. I felt the turtle shake in my arms.

"God, what a creep", Leo said in a small voice.

"Are you alright?" I asked in concern.

"Yeah... yeah, just a little shakin' up is all. I'm guessing you knew him."

"We were comrades in arms for two years until I decided to resign my position." I gently pushed back Leo a bit. "We cannot stay here. Crimson will be back, and he will have an army with him. We need to make haste."

"Right... let's just say I do believe you... do you have any idea how to get me home?"

"I do not know..." I answered, honestly. I walked to my room. Leonardo followed me behind.

"You don't know? Do you have an idea at least?" I reached my bedroom – or rather, I could barely call it a bedroom more than a supply closet. Organized chaos. I grabbed an ebon trench coat and an old obsidian top hat with a viridian silk ribbon and a 10/6 playing card.

"I might have and then I don't", I said gaining a confused stare from my newfound comrade. I pulled out the glass vial I found when I first found the sleeping turtle. "I found this beside you. Does it look familiar?" I gave Leo the vial. He inspected it quietly.

"I think so... I'm not sure. Can I hold onto it?"

I nodded. "In a way, it does belong to you." I managed to find a pair of white gloves on the dresser where different ribbons and fabrics were discarded and laid. "I might have an idea of where to start our little voyage."

Leo tucked the vial inside one of his pouches. "Where?"

"We are going to meet the Pillar Sisters." 

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