A Hatter Saves the Day, For Now

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I am such an idiot!

I never should have let Leonardo run off by himself. The dark forest is a living predator! I ran after his trail, yet his footsteps vanished the further I went. The trees were taller and bulkier. Sunlight barely peaked through the leaves. The footpath disappeared.

"Damn it. Where are you, Leo?" I asked in a mumble.

"As I live and breathe! Sammy the Mad Hattie!" My eyebrow twitched at the familiar voice. Vex Cheshire twirled around a chubby tree. The one Wonderlandian I do not want to encounter.

I glared at the smiling cat. "Why are you here, Cheshire? I thought you were licking some poor chap's arse with a high profit."

Vex's smile vanished, replacing it with a pout as they approached me. "Sammy, why the cold shoulder? I thought our history meant something."

"If my memory served me well, I recalled you backstabbing me with a knife plunging my back. Even offering me as a sacrificial lamb to a Jabberwocky."

"I had no choice, Sammy!" They defended themself while hugging me with their furry arms. "It was either me or you, and I could not risk my nine lives; they are precious! Besides, you killed that Jabberwocky with your two hands. You truly are a sight to behold." They deeply purr in my ear.

I am a patient man. I do not rush ahead without caution. However, I was willing to make an exception when it comes to Vex. They like to play on a side that benefits them. "You can take your flattery and bugger off. You are wasting your breath and my time."

"Lose something, Sammy? Could it be a lost, slender turtle with a blue bandana? They must mean something to you if you broke your oath of solitude." Without hesitation, I pulled out a long, thick knitting needle with the sharp end pointing at their eye. "Ah. I see your point."

"Where is he?" I demanded. My hardened eyes focused on the path ahead.

"Last I recall, your little turtle friend was in the clutches of hungry vines." My blood turned cold. Their arms released me as I ran deeper into the forest. "Follow the red vines, Sammy! Before it's too late!" Red vines. Got it.

My legs burned with my adrenaline pumping. My heart pounding hard against my ribcage urging freedom. As I was running, I noticed the ground pulsing like blood veins, even the cracks resembling them. The air felt uneasy. The dark forest was not this carnivorous until today. Something was amiss. There was no denying it.

"SAM!!!" I recognized the cry. I reached the vines originally descending. I spotted a plant I have never seen before. It was enlarged – as large as my cottage – with magenta petals and glowing amber eyes. Their vines related more to tentacles with thorns. Leonardo was ensnared in its grip.

I took off my hat pulling out the handles hidden in the top lid, and I gripped the satin ribbon. The machine barrels pooped out the hat. "Leonardo!" I pulled the trigger. Numerous bullets were fired at the plant creature. The creature screamed in agony. I used that moment to get the turtle out of its vines. I searched his body for any dire injuries. His limbs were scratched here and there, but nothing major. "Stay behind me!" He slowly nodded as I pulled him behind me. I aimed my machine gun at the creature who was slowly regaining its stance. Green liquid squirted out of its bullet wounds. "Enjoy Hell, abomination!" I finished it off by firing more bullets. It released its last death shriek as it descended to the ground.

I shifted my hat back to its original design and tucked it on my head. "That was reckless! You nearly lost your life! Do you always charge forward without thinking things through or is this your custom plan of attack? What do you have to say to that?" Leonardo didn't say a word. "Are you...?" I looked at the turtle and noticed he was shivering. Skin paled, eyes widened as tea saucers and body shaking like a leaf.

He was mumbling; unfortunately, I was not able to understand it. He kept mentioning HE. What did that mean? Leonardo's eyes were locked on the dead monster. I blocked his line of sight. "That was careless", I repeated, "What would happen if I never made it in time? You should have never left abruptly." His lips quivered. Was I too harsh? Too blunt? "Leonardo...?"

"Can..." His voice was too low for a whisper. "Can you... can you hold me?" Tears leaked from his eyes. He was frightened. Terrified. Right now, he needed comfort. I consented to his request and hugged him. His fingers held my coat in his grip. "I just want to go home. I want to go home. Please. Take me home." All I did was stand still while listening to his pleas. I rubbed his shell in small circles. As much as I want to grant his wish, I have no power to do so.

I continued to hug the frightened turtle. I knew we cannot stay any longer than we must. We need to move forward, otherwise, Crimson and his knight brigade will catch up. I gently gave Leo a soft shake. "Leo, we need to move. We cannot linger here." My gesture only made his grip tighten. I sighed. "Please. We need to reach the Pillar Sisters as soon as possible." A thought came to me. "Would you like to wear my coat?" I did not know how long his response came but he nodded at my request. He released my coat though it became wrinkled due to the iron grip.

I wrapped my coat around his small frame. Leo sniffed the aroma. "I can smell different scents", he replied shortly after.

I chuckled. "I tend to carry various tea bags for our journey."

Leo blinked. "Why?"

I shrugged. "You may never know what tea to drink when Teatime strikes." My response made him snort causing him to cover his mouth. "That is much better. Laughter is medicine for the soul."

"Yeah... that I can agree with you..." Leo's dark eyes locked onto my green irises. "Thank you. You know... for saving me – AND for your coat!"

"You are welcome, Leonardo." I grabbed his hand and walked through the dark forest. "Let us make haste."

"Yeah. We got a date with two caterpillars... yeah, I'm not saying that again."

"The Pillar Sisters love to eat turtles for supper."


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