Hangging out

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Y/N 'S POV>>>>>

I woke up at 8 am so I could hang out with The pogues. I walked downstairs to eat breakfast turns out my mom was making pancakes MY FAVORITE."Well hello sunshine how did you sleep?" asked my mom. OH uhm I slept great actually."Thats great honey", "also what are your plans today" asked my mom. Well I'm gonna hang out with my friend the pogues." Oh honey that's great I hope you have fun". Thanks mom, and I will.


Y/N 'S POV>>>

When I arrived at the château I saw Maité sitting on the hammock." Hey Y/N I tought you weren't gonna show up".What! Of course I was gonna show up I woudn't wanna miss this in a thousand years."Hahaha, well lets go inside the rest is waiting on us". " there is someone you didn't meet at school yesterday" said John B. "Hello my name is Indy nice to meet you, I'm JJ's girlfriend". Oh hello Indy I'm Y/N, nice to meet you."Likewise" said Indy. So Guys what are we doing today?"Well Y/N we wanted to go surfing if that's oke with you"? asked Kiara.Sure I would love to go surfing with you guys, but I wanna put on a different bathing suit first."Go ahead girl don't rush yourself we have time"said JJ


Y/N ' S POV >>>>

I changed into a beautiful red bikini that I hope Kiara will like.It was Maite's idea to wear it because she saw how kiara looked at me while we were playing truth or dare.


When y/n walked out in her red bikini top with a black button up and black jeans shorts my mouth ran dry like omg girl how can anyone be soooo hot and adorable at the same time. Right now I'm wondering if she looks as hot when she's surfing as she does now.This girl is my dream woman like she loves saving turtles like marry me right now.When I get out of my head I see Y/N smiling at me God that smile makes me week in the knees what a women.I walk up to the ocean to go surfing and take of my top and shorts to reveal my black bikini that hugs my body perfect I secretly wore it to impress Y/N.Then I hear footsteps on the hot sand when they come closer I see that it's yn in her beautiful red bikini with her surfboard ready to go surfing. As we pedal  into the waves yn splashes some water on me and giggles before hitting the first wave that she takes perfect without even trying. When I get to the next wave I absolutely want to hit it perfectly because I wanna impress her cause let me tell you she is perfect and I wanna up my chances with her.


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