Kidnapped (Yandere) : Blue X Mr Egg

153 3 3

Requested by: July_Artist

Every single day, Blue would think of joining the lobby with Player and his friends again. Sure, he thought they were losers, and Not Orange didn't much of them either, but the point was, he would get to see his love again.

Nobody had really appealed to him when he first joined, except one character.

Mr Egg.

Mr Egg.

Mr Egg.

Blue thought he was absolutely perfect, and extremely cute, and he began to visit Player's lobby a lot. He would always fantasise over how it would be like to date Mr Egg. But he also wondered over whether Mr Egg loved him back.

Mr Egg actually felt the same, but he wondered all day and night if Blue liked him back, and decided to capture him the next time he joined the lobby.

The next time Blue travelled into Player's lobby, Mr Egg shoved him in a sack which he then tied up with rope and grabbed. He could hear muffled screams but he didn't care. He left and drove into a mansion across the road.

Blue was put into a soundproof basement and he was finally untied. When he came out of the sack, he was a bit dazed and confused, but when he had finally pieced together what had happened, he was absolutely furious.

He marched into the bedroom and started hitting Mr Egg and cursing. But Mr Egg didn't mind, he just calmly pulled out a dagger and stabbed the blue character. Blue winced in pain and ran back into the basement, and Mr Egg followed. He kissed him, up and down, before giving him food and setting down a bed in the basement.

"My love, you will be with me forever.", Mr Egg says, smiling like he'd just won the lottery.
"Savage.", muttered Blue and he started eating.
"Aww, you're such a cutie, my love.", Mr Egg cooed.
"Ugh, just freaking leave me alone, ok?", Blue asked, knowing the answer would probably be no.

Surprisingly, Mr Egg agreed and left, and Blue ate in complete silence.

Over the next few weeks, Blue began to warm up to Mr Egg and started to think this was fine.

I mean, what was there not to love, there was all of his favourite foods, a king bed all to himself, and he had an arcade installed too. Besides, he still has his phone in his back pocket and he was living in a huge mansion with his love, Mr Egg.

He finally burst and decided to confess his love, and after he confessed, Mr Egg smiled and confessed too.

They then kissed, their tongues intertwining and they stuck there for a hot second before giggling and smiling at each other.
Who cares what everyone else thinks.

Player and his friends were watching out the window and smiling. Then, Veteran yelled, "Will you two just have sex already?", and ran off.

Mr Egg and Blue laughed at Veteran's childishness, and they smiled and kissed once again.

The End
Word count:502
Thank you, have a nice day, hope it was good.

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