Cheer Up! (Angst) Stoner X Captain

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Requested by: Zane_AUL

Captain sat in Security, locking the doors and trying not to burst into tears. Dum had just broken up with him, and boy, he was sad as heck, not to mention all of the things she'd said about him.

"You stupid fricking hog! You never do any work and nobody likes you. Nobody is your friend, you hear me? You stupid little piece of good-for-nothing...", Dum continued to spit a chain of swear words distastefully.
"You backstabbing liar! Closeted roasted marshmallow. Everyone hates you and you're the worst Captain ever. This relationship is over, you hear me?!"

End of Flashback

He sighed as he paced Security before silently tearing up. "I'm stupid. I'm a bad captain. I'm not fit to be leader. Nobody likes me. Not even Player. I'm such a dumb guy."

Stoner walked in, glancing at Captain. "What's wrong, compadre?", he asks the white bean.
"I'm a failure, Dum broke up with me. I have no friends."
"Hey, that's not true.", says Stoner. "I'm here for ya, okay, bud? Look at me, I'm smoking weed or marijuana 24/7, selling drugs, and a drug addict and I still wound up fine. I smoke two cigars a day, but I'm still okay. You're so much better than me, yet you feel like you're worse. You deserve better, okay, don't let that backstabbing dumbhead get to you."

"I guess the reason she's mad at me is because, well, um, she and I recently found out I was a gay, and well..."
"It's fine.", says Stoner. "C'mon, half the lobby's fruity, and they live their life fine, right? Even I cam out of the closet as gay a while ago."
"It's nice to have a friend I can count on.", says Captain. "Though I don't deserve one.".
"Captain. Look at me. You'll be fine. You're the heart and soul of this lobby, everyone loves you, Dum was a stupid piece of, you know, just like what happened between Noob and Player."

"You stop me from smoking and drinking. You lead the crew and enforce the rules. You've even bought a PS5 for Player."
"But I caused a zombie apocalypse and Player's faking his friendship with me and..."
"Listen here. The zombie apocalypse was years ago, and besides, it's toughened us all up. Player used to fake his friendship with you, yeah, true, but now he knows how amazing you are."

"Thanks, Stoner, I needed that.", Captain says, getting to his feet.
"Hey, Captain?", asks Stoner. "I know this is really random, but like, would you um, date me?"
Captain smiles. "The reason Dum left me was because she figured out not only that I was fruity, but also that I had a slight crush on, um, you."

They kiss passionately, and then a meeting is called, interrupting their moment.
It's just Mother, Bro, Captain, and Stoner. Captain and Stoner smile, pressing Bro's icon, and he gets launched into space, and the words Bro was not An Imposter trail after him.

Stoner presses the button and they vote for Mother, but she isn't an imposter either, and Stoner looks at Captain as the Defeat sign shows up on their screen with Captain and Mr. Egg.

"So uh, ever wonder how I was able to, um, you know, er, close that Security door? Well..."
Stoner smiles. "Why should I care if we lost?". "You still haven't answered my question. Would you date me?".
"Yes, yes, I would, says Captain, and they kiss until they are interrupted by the crew.

"That's gay! Fruity! OOH, CAPTAIN AND STONER ARE FRUITY!", says Mr Cheese.
"Do you mind?", asks Stoner, and he and Captain leave to have their moment elsewhere.

619 words, okay, I hope I did okay, have a nice day/night. Sorry if it was short, heh.

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