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Greetings friend, there is much for us to talk about


Vin opened her eyes, only to be confronted by whiteness. She scrambled to her feet, her hand reflexively going to her waist, and was surprised to find her daggers. She'd thought that she had lost them in the fight with the Inquisitors.

She studied her surroundings, trying to make sense of what she saw, but it seemed to defy explanation. The sky and the ground were indistinguishable from each other in hue. But despite the lack of anything to distinguish, or even identify them, the sky and ground where distinctly recognizable.

Vin reflexively tried to Burn tin, but nothing happened.

Right, she thought. I used up my reserves fighting the Inquisitors.

But what about the mist? She'd been drawing on them during the fight, but she could no longer feel them.

At that thought, Vin started. I have to get back! The others are in danger!

But how to get back? Vin studied the landscape again, still seeing only plain white. As far as she knew, she was stuck.

As Vin tried to make a plan, something pushed on her mind. It wasn't like Ruin, overpoweringly and hateful, it was more curious. She felt something whisper in her mind.

Who are you?

"What?" Vin spoke, confused.

The voice spoke again, stronger this time.

Who are you?

Vin squinted, trying to make out anything in the whiteness. There was no one.

"I- I don't understand," she whispered. "Are you one of them? Like Ruin?"

She felt confusion coming from the voice, before it began to withdraw.

I'm coming

Vin started. This, entity, was coming? That didn't sound good.

I've got to move, she thought, picking a direction and running. She couldn't keep it up for long, not without pewter, but it was a respectable pace.

As Vin ran, she considered the voice.

It could be another entity like Ruin or Preservation, she thought, her feet falling in a repetitive rhythm, but it didn't feel nearly as powerful. Maybe it's a minion?

Suddenly, Vin stopped. Had- had she heard something? She tried to Burn tin again, before remembering that she was out.

As she listened, she heard it again. It sounded like someone shouting in the distance.

Vin hesitated, considering her options.

They could easily be an enemy, she thought. That would make it foolish to approach them.

But they could just as easily be friendly. And either way, while she might not have metals, Vin could handle herself in a fight.

Vin began running in the direction the sound was coming from. At least, she assumed it did. It was hard to tell directions here.

As Vin ran, a speck appeared far in the distance. The shouting became clear enough for her to understand what they were saying.

"Syl! Sylphrena! Can you hear me?"

Vin ran twords them, making rapid progress. Though, now that she thought about it, was she making too much progress? The person in the distance seemed to be approaching notably faster that she was running.

As she approached, the shouting trailed off. They seemed to have given up for the time being.

In fact, Vin could now clearly make out the figure. They were a young man, maybe late twenties, in a blue uniform with a unfamiliar symbol on the back. There was a spear strapped to his back. He didn't appear to have noticed her yet.

Vin slowed her approach, coming to a steady walk. As she did, she saw that the mas had his eyes closed. He appeared to be concentrating on something.

As Vin stepped up to him, the man's eyes snapped open, revealing vibrant blue eyes. He quickly grabbed the spear off his back and leveled it at her.

Vin froze, eying the spear. This man appeared to be a competent warrior, from the way he held himself.

The man held the spear, pointed at her chest, studying her as she'd studied him. He took in her mistcloak, her obsidian daggers, and her coin pouch. He didn't lower his spear, showing that he considered her to be dangerous.

"Who are you?" the man demanded.

Vin scowled, "And why should I answer that?"

The man frowned. He seemed accustomed to being obeyed.

Well, Vin wasn't going to be ordered around. She'd had enough of that on thieving crews. And as Empress of the Final Empire, it was her job to do the ordering.

As she thought that, she frowned. It seemed surprising that this man hadn't recognized her. She'd become quite well known in the Empire. Being a divine figure in one of the only religions didn't help that. She still grimaced whenever she thought about that.

"You should answer," the man continued, "because I'm the one with a spear to your chest."

Vin raised her eyebrow. No matter his skill, it wouldn't take much effort to defeat him. She was tempted to as well, but decided that fighting the first person she met here wouldn't be a good idea.

"Vin Venture," she told him, "from Luthadel."

The man looked at her, slightly confused. "Never heard of that before."

Vin was surprised. It was one thing to not recognize her name, but to not recognize Luthadel as well? Where was this mas from?

He lowered the spear, throwing it back over his shoulder. "Well, I guess I could use someone to talk to." He eyed her, them muttered, "Even if she is a street urchin."

He'd probably not expected her to be able to here that, but Vin had sharp ears, even without tin. She growled, kicking him in the back of his knee, causing the joint to buckle.

The man gasped in pain, stumbling. He caught himself, barely avoiding falling face-first into the ground.

The man spun, grabbing his spear and swinging it at her in one fluid motion. Vin flicked one of her daggers up, catching the haft of the spear.

Vin found herself impressed at the man's skill. Even though she'd been expecting his attack, she was surprised at the speed of his reaction.

This is no mere soldier, she thought. Maybe she'd underestimated him.

"If you want me to stay around," she growled, "then maybe don't insult me."

The man had the decency to look ashamed. He withdrew his spear, placing it back over his shoulder. He remained wary of her however, not turning his back.

Vin returned the sentiment. She sheathed her dagger, eyeing him.

"Did you ever plan on telling me your name?" she asked.

She saw a flicker of surprise in his eyes. He must be well known where he came from.

"Kaladin," he replied. "Kaladin Stormblessed."

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