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A young boy is seen sitting at the bottom of some stairs, covering his eyes as he counts down to one. Once he does, he moves his hands away and stands up as he begins looking around. He walks into his living room before spotting some shoes sticking out from beneath one of the window curtains. He reaches forward to pull the curtains back, only for a broom with a hat to fall down in front of him.

The young boy looks at it in frustration before turning to walk away. He opened a closet door and looked inside before closing it, not finding who he was looking for.

Next, the young boy makes his way through the hall of his home and stops in front of a drawer. On it was a lamp and a few pictures of him and his parents. A pair of his father's glasses laid there, and he picked them up to try them on. He looked around before realizing how he didn't like how everything looked with them on and put them back.

The boy then made it to a door that was partially opened. He pushes it even further open and steps inside what is his father's office. However, something was wrong. Papers and objects were strewn all around the room, his father's desk was a mess, and the window at the back was open with rain coming in. He knew it wasn't supposed to be like this, so he started calling out to his father.

When the man finally answered his son's calls, he arrived at his office and looked around. He immediately knew what happened, so he quickly grabbed his son and moved him away before closing the windows, closing the curtains as well so no one could look inside. Then he took a drawer out from his desk and removed all the contents from it before tracing his finger along the outside. Finding a small button, he presses it and the supposed bottom of the drawer slides away to reveal a secret section of it where a folder was hidden. He goes through it to see if anything was missing as the boy's mother came in and grabbed him. She left the office as her husband walked over to the blackboard and picked up an eraser to get rid of the formulas he had written on it. Then he grabs a hammer from a tool bag nearby and grabs something that was on a workbench. He then hits it a few times with the hammer before dropping it and walking away to reveal the smashed device.

Later, the man was driving his car with his wife in the passenger seat and his son in the backseat. He listened as his parents talked as if they were worried, panic clear in their eyes. However, his father noticed him staring silently and turned to look at him.

Father: "Everything's okay, Y/n. Mommy and Daddy just need to go do something, so we're gonna be leaving you with your grandparents, okay?"

Y/n: "O-okay, Daddy."

Y/n's father nodded before his wife called out to him.

Mother: "DISC--!"

F/n quickly turned around to face the road again when his wife called to him, only to see a massive truck barreling towards them. He tried to turn, but was too late. The truck crashes right into them, sending the car flying and rolling across the street. Once the car settles, Y/n is seen unconscious with blood running down his face. However, he slowly opens his eyes and blinks before looking around. He then looks forward to see his parents limp where they were, and he looks forward in confusion as he begins to call out to them.

Y/n: "Mommy...? Daddy...?"

He kept calling out to his parents, not knowing exactly what happened to them. He was scared and in pain. He wanted his parents to respond, but they never did.

And as everything panned outward to reveal Y/n's parents hanging limp, Y/n was the only one "awake" as his terrified face was seen through the broken front windshield.

Eleven years later, Y/n's reflection in a glass case. He opens it and pins a picture of the Wondercolts Debate Club before a basketball hits him in the head. He quickly turns to where it came from to see some jocks going for the ball and completely ignoring him. So the seventeen-year-old just sighs as he closes the case and begins to walk away with his skateboard under his arm.

Y/n L/n vs. The Forces of Magic (MLP:EG x M!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now