Helping Twilight & Y/n Win The Crowns

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It was the next day, and Y/n had picked Twilight up from his secret hangout spot before leading her back to school. As they make their way past the statue, which Twilight stared at longingly, Principal Celestia spoke over the intercoms for the morning announcements.

Principal Celestia: *intercoms* "Good morning, students, and happy Thursday. Just a reminder to pick up your ballots for the Prince and Princess of the Fall Formal today. They are due by the time the dance starts tomorrow night, so don't forget to turn them in and make your voice heard."

Y/n groaned at this, remembering that he signed up to be on the ballot for the Fall Formal Prince. However, Twilight patted his shoulder assuringly, making him sigh.

Y/n: "Right... Anyway, you got any idea on what to do to get voted?"

Twilight: *nods* "You and Fluttershy said I need to win over all those different groups if I want to become Princess of the Fall Formal, so I've compiled a list of talking points."

Spike couldn't help but snicker from inside Twilight's backpack, but Y/n did as well.

Twilight: "What?"

Y/n: "Sorry. Just... seems very like you. But go on."

Twilight: "I'll start introducing myself. Sprinkle in some things I've learned about your world into the conversation. Show them how I fit in here."

Y/n nods as he and Twilight make their way to the front door, and the former turns to the latter.

Y/n: "You ready, princess?"

Twilight takes a deep breath in before nodding.

Twilight: "As ready as I'll ever be. Time to make a good first impression on my fellow students. The world kinda depends on it."

Y/n: "Righty-o. Let's win this thing."

Y/n says as he opens the door and the two enter CHS. They walk down the hall, Y/n just blankly looking forward as Twilight looks around them. That's when they heard the students whispering and laughing around them. This immediately grabbed Twilight's attention as she grew confused, turning to her human friend in concern.

Twilight: "What's going on? Is this some human tradition that I don't know yet?"

Y/n: "You can say that... it's not a very good one, though..."

He responds, eyeing his fellow student body in question and suspicion. That's when they were both grabbed by the arm and pulled into an empty classroom, with Twilight knocking into a desk and Y/n falling to his butt.

Twilight: "What're you-? Why did you-?"

She turns around to see who pulled her and Y/n inside, only for her eyes to go wide in surprise.

Twilight: "Rarity?"

Y/n: "Rarity? Why did you pull us in here?"

The purple-haired fashionista remained quiet as she dashed towards Twilight, using a tape measurer to examine her. Then she smiled as she got an idea and pulled a green dress from her backpack.

Rarity: "Perfect!"

She immediately turned around and forced it onto Twilight, replacing her purple clothing along with giving her a blonde wig. Twilight blinked a few times as Y/n stared in confusion.

Rarity: "Yes, this is good. No one will recognize you!"

Twilight & Y/n: "Why wouldn't I/she want to be-?"

Rarity: "And we'll need a disguise for Y/n and your dog, of course."

Y/n: "Rarity, what in tarnations are you yapping about?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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