Chapter 14

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The bell rang at exactly 4:15, making Pooja grin excitedly as she rushes to open the door. Sadhana and Abhi say nothing, as they follow her into the hall.

Abhi and Sadhana exchange a frown when they notice Arjun rudely push past Pooja and walk in.

Akshay smiles apologetically at Pooja, as he follows his friend inside.

Krish walks in last, his eyes immediately searching for the one person, who was hell-bent on avoiding him.

Pooja hides a smirk, as she links her arms with a confused Krish.

"So where are we going?", Abhi asks breaking the silence.

Akshay grins, "The amusement park."

Abhi's eyes light up as she looks up at him, "Really?"

Akshay nods smiling fondly at her child-like joy. Arjun grits his teeth in annoyance but remains quiet.

"Come on then. We should start now to reach on time.", Sadhana ushers everyone outside, locking the door behind her.

"Who's driving?", Krish asks dangling the car keys.

"I will", Arjun says snatching the keys before heading to the other side, knowing Abhi would like to sit shotgun.

"Who wants shotgun?", Krish asks looking around at the others.

Abhi looked openly uncomfortable at the thought of sitting next to Arjun for an hour, making her move back silently. She gasps quietly when she hits her back on something. Or rather someone.

Akshay looks down at her, with eyebrows raised, "You don't want the front seat?"

Abhi shakes her head vehemently, "No way."

Aksha says nothing as he drags a stunned Abhi to the further most seat in the back.

Sadhana hides her smirk, winking at Abhi as she slides into the middle seat with Krish. Even though she had to sit with Krish for another hour, Abhi still got to sit Akshay.

Arjun seemed disgruntled, when Pooja sat next to him, but he started the car silently.

Abhi sits quietly, a light blush forming on her face all because of the boy sitting next to her.

The last seat was comparitively smaller than the seats infront, giving Abhi and Akshay no choice but to sit close together.

"You had to choose this seat out of all", Abhi rolls her eyes elbowing Akshay.

"It was either this or Arjun. What would you have preferred?", Akshay responds smirking.

"You", Abhi mutters looking away.

"Hmm? I can't hear you.", Akshay grins continuing to tease her.

"You", Abhi repeats suppressing a smile.

"That's better", Akshay smirks. He continues to look at her, his smile widening as her blush deepens.

"Stop looking at me", Abhi mutters, turning to look at Akshay.

"Why? I like the view though.", Akshay says.

Abhi raises her eyebrows in disbelief, as she laughs," Are you seriously flirting with me now?"

Akshay grins finally, making his eyes twinkle.

Arjun who hears their laughter from the back seat, swerves the car rashly making Abhi slam into Akshay who hold her wiast protectively.

"Arjun yaar, drive properly", Krish calls out from his seat at the front.

"Sorry", Arjun replies, his voice not a tad bit regretful.

"There's something wrong with him", Abhi mumbles lost in thought.

"Could Kavya be involved somehow? Should we ask her?", Akshay asks quietly, so that the others don't hear.

"Maybe we should.", Abhi agrees silently.

45 minutes later, Sadhana and Krish seem to be fast asleep as they snuggle close together.

Abhi and Akshay share a pair of headphones listening to songs, as they look out the window.

Abhi grins happily when she notices Sadhana's head on Krish's shoulder.

"What?", Akshay asks form beside her, making her point at the sight infront of her.

"But? What about Pooja?", Akshay asks confused.

Abhi groans, "Oh god, I don't know. Krish seems to like Sadhana and Pooja. I have no idea what he is thinking."

Akshay nods silently, knowing full well his friend has no interest in Pooja now.

"We'll be there in another 5 mintues", Arjun announces from the front, making Krish wake up and look around groggily.

He looks down to see a peaceful looking Sadhana sleeping on his shoulder. He adjust his position, making her lean on him comfortably. He smiles to himself, wondering how quiet she looks when she's asleep.

This entire scene is not missed by Pooja, who stares at them with a smile through the mirror.

*Time skip*

Abhi grins looking up at the huge roller coaster infront of them.

"I want to go on this.", Abhi shouts excitedly.

"Go get the tickets", Sadhana orders Krish, making him pout.

"Why should I always be the one? Can't Akshay go for once?", Krish complains pouting more.

Sadhana melts at his expression as she sighs, "I'll come with.Okay?"

Krish's eyes light up as he nods, "Okay, come on."

"And she tells me he doesn't like her.", Abhi mutters shaking her head at her friend.

A few impatient minutes later, the 6 of them are seated on the roller coaster. The girls chatter excitedly, while the boys look almost wary.

"Don't hide it. I know you're scared.", Abhi smirks.

Akshay's eyes widen in surprise, "How do you know that? No one does."

Abhi bites her tongue at her slip up. She couldn't tell him she knew everything about him, that would label her as a creep.

"Oh u-um, you just seemed scared so I assumed.", Abhi replies trying to salvage the situation.

"Abhi If you are scared, you can hold my hand.", Arjun pipes up from her other side, trying to flirt.

Abhi cringes lightly, but gives Arjun an awkward smile nevertheless, "I'm ok."

Akshay scoffs, chossing to remain quiet as the ride starts up.

Another few mintues later, Abhi grins from the excitement of the ride while Akshay looks mildly sick. Sadhana stand to the side, trying not to look at Krish and Pooja who converse among themselves excitedly. Arjun walks up to Abhi slinging a hand over her shoulder.

"What say, we ride the giant wheel?", Arjun asks.

Akshay pulls Abhi towards him before she could respond, making her snap her head to look at him.

"Whaa-", Abhi asks confused.

"I feel a little dizzy, I needed to hold something.", Akshay lies glancing at Arjun.

"Arjun take the others to the giant wheel, we'll join a few minutes late. You come with me.", Abhi demands, dragging Akshay.

Pooja and Krish snicker, while Sadhana smirks, "You heard her. Come on then."

Arjun's fist tightens but he follows the others to the giant wheel, without causing a scene.

"Where are you taking me?", Akshay questions Abhi.

"Shut up and follow me", Abhi snaps.

"Hey, don't be rude.", Akshay chides but follows her nonetheless.


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