#1 ─ torture !!

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xiao sat next to you in class , according to him your his closest friend ever ! he usually doesn't speak with anyone else until he somehow met you. he thinks your somehow more 'tolerable' than others , which probably should be an accomplishment for you.

though , hes not sure if you feel the same way about him. you have tons and tons of other friends thats way closer with you anyways , hes just kinda there in your life you know ? but so far he doesn't really seem to care. you do you , and he does his own thing aswell.

but you can say he also has some other friends ,, i guess? the only other person he'd talk to that isnt you is probably just scaramouche or kazuha. mostly scara though cuz hes emo too , so he'll definitely understand xiao a lot more !

"xiaoo please help me , im literally dying from this question right now i cant do it help omg ugh." you groaned as you layed your head above the table.

"the answer to that is literally on the paragraph above , just read it." xiao said as that was his best that he could do on helping you out.

"dude i literally did , like the answer is not there waduyumean" you say as you look at him as if hes the wrong one here.

"the answer is on the third sentence." xiao said as he put down his pen , meaning hes done with his work. on the other hand your still on question number 4.

"ohhhhh! now i see thanks !"


"so uhm .. can you tell me the answer for number 5 ?"


anyways , now luckily for you its lunch break now finally ! you packed up your things and before you left you asked if xiao would want to join you for lunch with your friends.

"oh yea by the way xiao , do you wanna have lunch with me? also with my other friends if you dont mind."

xiao hesitated for a bit as if it's obvious enough that hes not one to socialize but he gave in anyways. it cant be that bad right ..?

"oh you brought that emo antisocial suicidal dude here aswell?"


well now hes there sitting on the middle beside you and your other friends saying absolutely nothing and just eating his food in silence. he definitely regretted agreeing to this earlier.

he would just leave but that would catch too much attention and people would call him emo again ,,, even tho he is actually emo so idk.

"wassup little dude how you doin today?" a certain tall gingered haired dude asked xiao .. i wonder who he is ..

"im doing good .." was all xiao had to say , he didn't even bother turning around to look at him.

"oh come on dont be so dense ! it cant be that bad being around us." oh no , it certainly is the worst possible scenario xiao could ever be in right now.

"childe shut the fuck up and stop bullying him for real." a brown haired girl said as if she wasn't about to go on and call xiao an emo aswell !!! so fun !!!!

"you know the more you look at him he looks so small and short not gon lie" she said as she observed xiao a little more.

"but your shorter than me ??"

"no one asked kiddo."

after 10 more minutes ( which felt like 10 hours to xiao ) of absolute torture , xiaos lord and savior finally came !! the bell omgg !!!!!!

"alright so ... sorry about my dearest friends they were just in a silly goofy moo─"

"i hate your friends." xiao cut you off before you could even finish.

"ok thats crazy , anyways im gonna add you to our groupchat now BYE !!" you ran off before he could even say anything. maybe your not very tolerable after all.

don't know what to do ─ #xiaoWhere stories live. Discover now