#18 ─ misunderstanding

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class starts , you couldn't focus at all. i mean how could you when now you have a secret admirer that's totally like .. your dream boy ...

"y/n. pay attention to class and stop dreaming about your fantasies." the teacher shouted when i was dozing off , startling me back awake.

"aha .. sorry ..." yet your mind comes back to your secret admirer , who could it possibly be ? xiao .. ???

class finally got to an end , you got up , packed your things not forgetting the bouquet of flowers and snacks of course. even the thought of it makes you smile every damn time ...

"see you y/n !!" yanfei greated you goodbye , as she walked off home. you noticed xiao waiting for you at the school gate , you were about to talk to him right before childe attacked you from behind ...

"BOOO !!" childe pushed you from the back as he nudged your shoulder.

"literally why are you acting like hutao again ..." you complained , facing back at him while raising your eyebrow.

"shes the one copying me , anyways WHERE THE BOUQUET I WANNA SEE RIGHT NOW." childe demanded as you both started to walk home together ... completely forgetting about xiao ..

xiao frowned and sighed as you walked home with childe , again. he was really looking forward with walking home with you today , especially after his anonymous confession.

"dont even know what to do now .." xiao muttered silently as he walked to nearby cafe to chill down a bit.

"what the flip man xiao totally gave you this ..." childe said , confident with his guess.

"im pretty sure xiao hates valentines , he even told me the letters on locker yesterday were cringe .. and now theres this whole ass guy writing a full on letter." you explained. childe didn't seem to believe that though , it was kind of suspicious , he thought.

"maybe he said that to cover up suspicion of him giving you that letter , like reverse phycology or whatever that is am i right ?" that actually sounds like a pretty good point , you thought.

"maybe .."


"okay shut up i wanna post the bouquet on my instagram ..."

xiao finds an empty table to sit while waiting for his food to arrive. he sighs , still not knowing what to do. suddenly he gets a notification from instagram , notifying that y/n recently posted something.

xiao clicked on the notification , turns out it was a picture of you holding bouquet he gave you. but there was also childe in the photo , so unnecessary , xiao thought.

not to mention , the caption only filled with 2 heart emojis. it literally looks like childe gave you the bouquet. but he gets even more pissed after looking at the comments.


wtf is goin on rn

seems like you both are a thing now , congratulations !!

wut the flip


yall i knew it ...

really ..? all my hard work for a misunderstanding ... xiao thought. hes upset but pissed at the same time. what was childe even doing in the photo ... are you both dating or something .. ? did childe claim that it was him who gave you the letter ? so many thoughts were running through his mind.

xiao groaned as he slams his head on the table. whyy is this happening to me .. he thinks over and over again. what did he do to deserve this :(

don't know what to do ─ #xiaoWhere stories live. Discover now