"Against The Odds" [ONESHOT]

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This includes: Fluff, with a touch of Angst
A forbidden love AU in which Prince Soobin sneaks out of the royal balls to meet the elf Taehyun in the forest.

Inspired by kkeom_'s elf Taebin arts and prompt on Instagram 💞🤍

🎶: 'Overture' from Beauty and the Beast 2017

The chandelier sparkled in the twilight light as hundreds of guests, whether royal or not, came pouring into the palace.

As usual, the weekly Friday balls were taking place tonight, and that meant that the whole day was spent preparing for this not-so-special-anymore event happening.

"Announcing his royal majesty King Yookwon and her royal highness, Queen Ahjin. And of course, his future majesty, Prince Soobin," the royal announcer chorused as the massive doors opened.

The guests clapped respectfully as their rulers emerged from the doors. The girls all dropped dead fawning over the handsome blue haired prince.

However, he had no eyes for them.

His parents made their way down the stairs, and to the thrones placed in front of the massive staircase.

Soobin followed them, and stood next to them at his throne chair.

"Let the ball begin," King Yookwon announced.

A beautiful orchestral waltz melody started playing, and all the couples in the room started to dance.

The king took his queen by the hand, before turning to Soobin.

"You must dance with someone too, son. You should find a future wife soon," he said.

"I know Father."

The king and the queen joined the dance floor and started swaying each other to the melody.

Soobin meanwhile just walked around the dancing couples, getting himself something to eat. If you have nothing else to do, eat something. 

One great thing about this not-so-special event is all of the food. Soobin swore everything tasted better whenever they had these regular balls.

He daintily took a cupcake from the table, and started to eat it with princely manners of course.

"Prince Soobin?"

He turned around to see a relatively tall young woman standing there in a pale pink dress and a hair band.

"Hello," he greeted.

"May I dance with you? If it is alright," she asked.


Soobin finished his cupcake quickly, and he held his hand out to her. The girl accepted it, and they walked towards the dance floor.

Soobin held her respectfully as they danced to the current melody that the orchestra was playing.

"It's a lovely ball, by the way," the girl said.

"Thank you miss. What is your name?" Soobin questioned.

"Choi Arin, your honor."

"Arin... very nice name."

Arin smiled.

"My parents kinda forced me to dance with you. They're dead set that I will be your future wife. I don't know why."

Soobin chuckled.

"Sorry, but I kinda don't want you as my wife. No offense to you."

"None taken. Do you have someone already in mind?"

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