"The Time Between Dusk and Dawn" [ONESHOT]

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This includes: Angst
An orphaned boy meets a vampire. And strangely or not, the vampire is the one who gives him the purpose to live.


Dusk. The time after the sun sets, and the time where the sky is turning dark, yet still painted with colors.
Dawn. The time before the sun rises, and a time where the dark sky is being painted with colors.
There was not much difference between these times.
Which is why the most mysterious things happen during the time period.

Taehyun sighed as he read that in the book of poems he was reading.

"I wish that something mysterious would happen to me during that time."

Suddenly, Taehyun felt the book being pulled out of his grasp. He mentally sighed, knowing what was happening.

It wasn't the first time.

"Give it back!" he yelled.

"Why are you reading that? It's stupid and full of false stories," the boy who grabbed his book replied.

His friends laughed.

Taehyun grabbed the book with all his strength and tried to yank it back. At that moment, the boy also yanked it away, and as a result, a page of Taehyun's book was torn out.

A gasp escaped his lips.

"THAT WAS MY MOTHER'S!" Taehyun screamed.


The boy threw the book at Taehyun, nearly hitting the silver haired boy on his head.

"What worth does a book have if your mom won't come back?"

The boy and his friends finally left, and Taehyun, feeling tears build in his eyes, picked up the book and the ripped out page, tucking it into the pocket of his hoodie, and opening his window to climb out.

Taehyun was orphaned when he was 14 years old. For the past five years, he's been living miserably in an orphanage.

Miserably because he doesn't have his parents anymore, and also because he never got along with anyone in his orphanage or in his school.

He was all alone, and he had no friends.

Like, none.

And he was a people person.

He needed at least someone in his life to keep him energized.

Otherwise... he was just simply a void of nothingness.

🎶: 'Dusk till Dawn (ft. SIA)' by ZAYN

He pulled his hoodie over his head and hugged himself as he walked down the streets, breathing in the fresh late evening air, as it was calming his nerves.

Taehyun stopped in the park, and sat down on a bench, hugging himself while pulling his knees close to him.

"Mom... Dad... why did you leave me? Why do I need to live this life without you? Why didn't I die in that car crash too?"

Taehyun was too busy talking to himself and nearly crying, that he didn't hear some weird sounds coming from behind him.

Until he heard a branch snap.

Taehyun jumped off the bench and turned around, and nearly screamed if it weren't for that person immediately reaching out and covering his mouth.

Taehyun's eyes widened when he observed the man before him, not because he was extremely handsome, but because the corners of his lips and parts of his neck were coated with blood.

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