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Have you ever had a feeling like Deja Vu?



I've been having these weird dreams lately...





They felt real...



Too real...



Almost as if they weren't dreams...



That can't be right...







It was just your average day, I had just gotten up and fed Freya but she never showed up for breakfast, which was pretty odd but I just brushed it off that maybe she was just sleeping under the bed or something. Shaking my head I left the bowl there on the floor so that when she was hungry she could get it before I started making my way to the bathroom, making my way out of the kitchen I entered the living room, closing my eyes I yawn while I stretch lightly hearing some nice and satisfying pops when I heard it, "(Y/n).....". I stopped when I heard that it sounded like a woman's voice it sounded familiar, and I was confused by it. I was probably just hearing things, but it sounded like someone said my name but that couldn't be right because I live alone...well with a dog. Shaking my head, I just blamed that I had just woken up and was probably still somewhat asleep so it was probably just in my head. Letting out a sigh, I continued making my way to the bathroom when I heard again, but this time it was louder, "(Y/n)...it's me", it said and it sounded like it was coming from behind me and now this time I knew it wasn't in my head, and I turned around quickly just to find that there was nothing there, it was still just me standing there all alone.

"No more horror games before bed...", I tell myself before walking to the bathroom passing by the front door and some old family photos. I stopped realizing something, turning around I could see that my front door was gone, in its place was just a white wall, "What the hell...", I say to myself going up to it before touching it and just to find out it was really there, a solid wall. It was just here a few minutes ago, what the fuck is going on? I started to panic now and at this point, I was wide ass awake, I started banging on the wall trying to get someone's attention, but nothing happened. I quickly ran off to the balcony door, flinging the blinds open to see the outside world I pulled and yanked on the handle, but it wouldn't budge and I unlocked it too, I tried the windows too but nothing budged. "HEY!?! CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?!", I shouted while I was hitting the windows trying to get someone's attention but just like before nobody heard me, and all I was met with was a vast emptiness outside. The silence grew more suffocating, pressing in on me from all sides. Panic set in and I began to hyperventilate, my breaths quick and shallow, "F-Freya!", I tried to call for Freya but she never came, she always would come whenever I called for her, but not this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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