Alcon's Journal # 19 - Faith

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"Ha ha, tell me about your faith," I hugged her tightly.

"I got my faith from my mother, and my sister also believes in it," Ami began telling me about her faith. She believes in a god from a religion that is common on our home planet. As an atheist, I referred to it as "7" or "Number 7." According to the teachings of Ami's religion, Number 7 created the world and its rules. After a human passes away, the soul will merge with Number 7's world through a door of faith.

I blurted out, "Isn't that the LCL Sea, the so-called final destination of the Human Complementation Project in Neon Genesis Evangelion?"

"Yes, don't you think that all the stories of faith are actually similar?" Ami asked.

"Yes, so I think the original story should be the same, but different human groups have differentiated the same story..."

"Right, that's why I believe it's true, so I believe in it," Ami's eyes began to shine again.

"I agree with the arguments of theism in this regard. However, I don't really agree with determinism. Moreover, I think the significance of most faiths lies in being able to accept fate more calmly," I said.

Ami pondered for a moment and said, "I have also considered this question. Indeed, after I have faith, I am more calm about the ups and downs of fate. Alcon, you don't have a definite faith. How did you get through difficult times?" Ami asked while flipping over and leaning her head against my shoulder. She lifted my right hand and placed it in her clasped hands.

I remembered the day my father left and the day my mother left. During that time, I seemed to only have hatred and a sense of powerlessness that couldn't change reality. If this was fate's arrangement, I should hate the creater of fate to the bone. Instead, it was probably my perseverance inherited from my parents that was the source of my determination not to give up and accept fate.

"Alcon, I'm sorry. Did I bring up your sad past?" Ami's words brought me back to reality.

"Oh no, I was just thinking about how I got through it. Maybe for me, it was just a determination not to give up that helped me get through it. But I think if I had faith, I could find comfort in the idea that my mother and father's souls have met in the end," I said.

Ami was quiet for a while. She twirled my bracelet and said slowly, "I believe they have."

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