Whatever definition there exists of a bibliophile, I am it. Here's a collection of my favourite novels (series and standalones) with reviews and maybe rants.
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"I am haunted by humans."
If you're a book lover, you've most likely heard of this book. I would guess you even have it in your read-list. If you haven't managed to read it yet, close your eyes and do it. You will regret not having read this earlier.
This is my joint-favourite standalone book, and another family favourite along with the previous, but this was discovered not by my mother but me, and I passed it on to her and my brother. All three of us agree this book is one that stays with you forever.
First up, this is a story narrated by Death in Nazi Germany.
When Liesel, orphaned in the tumult of war, stole her first book--an undertaker's handbook--she did not know how to read. Her affectionate, kindly adoptive father Hans Hubermann patiently goes about teaching her letters and being her pillar of support even as her impatient and sharp-tongued adoptive mother Rosa bosses the house. Then we meet Max, a Jew in hiding, who shares Liesel's love for books, and Rudy, a rebel German boy who becomes Liesel's best friend and partner-in-crime, both of them being unforgettable characters.
The main characters of this story except Max are not Jews. They are not on the persecuted side. And yet, they are just as affected by Hitler's drive to purge their country of Jews, and the World War II. The story follows Liesel growing up amidst the war, all the ups and downs, and the ending...I still get chills when I think of it.
Zusak's writing is simply beautiful. It feels like an art--that's how good he is.
I won't say this book was easy to read from the word go; it usually takes around 30-40 pages to get the hang of the story, but trust me, you won't regret.
PS: This is one of the few (or maybe not that few) books I first read in Kindle and then bought the hard copy because I must have a hard copy of this beauty in my home.