chp 1

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welp im in hell

i didn't even have to read the sign i looked at the freaking sky IT"S RED!!!

i looked around trying to remember what happened then i remembered suicide

well ofc i went to hell go feggs

i looked around and saw other peo- welp not demons then i realized i was a demon then i heard a few groans under me i looked down and saw three female demons and one male demon 

i got up and looked at them a s they got up

then on was looking around like well damn

"do you know where M/n is" on asked then it hit me this are just my friends

Jessica,  Ava, Brooklyn, and Kai who was a male and one of my other friends was being crushed by Brooklyn and it was Mildred

"when y'all said if i die y'all were going to too" then they got up and Mildred was trying to catch their breath and Kai was looking at their body seeing that they were a male now and Mildred looked like a male too

Jessie and ava and Brooklyn were females

Bisexual                  Pansexual            straight

Mildred and Niylah were non-binary

Asexual                    lesbian

"we *gasp* said we'd ne-*caughs* leave you" Mildred well Maxxy said trying to live 

we looked at our surroundings and listened to many screams and Maxxy's dying sound that made Kai chuckle

then with knowing we're down here together hell well meet hell

then we saw a sign saying welcome to hell and jessie laughed

"we already know" Brook said looked for something

"what are you looking for Brook?" i asked looking at her making the rest look too

"I wanna see what i looked like then i looked at everyone and saw that they looked different


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 jessica ^

Ava >


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 i wanted to see what i looked like so i looked for a object that would reflect 

 i wanted to see what i looked like so i looked for a object that would reflect 

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we stood at awe at each other

"welp if we are going to survive here we should get going i said walking to a random direction

they hopelessly followed

they talked about how this looks different then what it was told to us Brook and Jessie were playing around and Mildred and Ava plus Kai were laughing at some dark joke about a kid getting kid kidnapped by a old man and Mildred mocked a child's cry for help and Kai laughed along with Ava abit

i looked around and saw a angel looking then near another demon 

"Awww it looks cute let's go to it" Jessie said so we started to go to it but it attack the demon and ripped it into pieces

we turned into a corner so it did't see us and began to run we got to a dumpster and hind and Ava was clinging onto Kai and we heard when it flow by it's wing knocked on the dumpster as it went by

i peaked my head out to see if it was gone and went back in the dumpster had one trash bag i shut the dumpster and Brook's horns glowed red and i could see

we all listened for more but not a single sound then we heard a voice say that extermination was over so i peaked out first and i saw other demons come out so i signal them to come out when they did Jessie and Ava was shaking i looked around and saw a blonde demon walking around talking to demons about a hotel for freeeeeee

i went up to the girl with my friends behind me

"Good day, Ma'am we would like to look into this hotel of your's"i saw looking down to her and realizing my height i looked t Jessie who was the tallest when we were alive i was the freaking tallest

"OH!!! So you believe you can be redeemed??"she said with a smile from ear to ear

i thought for a moment like if i do then free shelter, right?

"yes i do" she grabbed my arm and ran to a direction with my friends trying to keep up then a building came into view with big words on top saying 'Hazbin Hotel'

she bursted through the door

"we have some clients"she yelled walking to what it looked like the front desk

"okay so your room is ( room number)

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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