Chapter 3

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It was Tony Stark’s birthday and would be celebrated in a club with his friends and the staffs who were working on his company. There was Bruce, Natasha, Client, Thor, Papper who were so eager to celebrate. He was on his way to Peter Parker and his aunty May’s house to meet the kid quickly ignoring the called of his friends.

“Mr Stark! Happy Birthday. Look I've got you a present.” the four years old Peter jumped up on him as soon as May opened the door and showed him a well packed pakage.

“Ah thank you Pete. How sweet can you be, huh?” Tony said while kissing the kid all over the face.

“Happy birthday Tony. I'm sorry to call you in your special day. But Pete was so eager to met you so...” May said with an apologized smile.

“It’s okay May. I'm happy to be here with this little man.”

“Aunt May cooked your favourite and I helped her too, come let eat.” Peter said happily.

After eating a quick delicious dinner cooked by May, Peter started to dozed out so he put the kid on bed.

“Good night, Pete.” Tony said kissing the boy forehead.  Looking at the cute sleeping boy who had a lot of energy earlier made Tony wondered what was it like to be a father.

“Good night, dad.” Peter mumbled in his sleep. Tony frozed a moment and left for the room with a smile.

“So what do you think about the request that I asked?” May asked as soon as he exit the room.

“I need some time. It was still sudden so...” he replied adwarkenly scratching his neck.

“Take your time but don't take long. I'll not be here all the time, you know.”

He met Peter when the kid was about to 4, lost and ran away from kidnapper. He saved him and had been friend since.

He quickly drove to the party and about to entered when Steve called him,

“Hello, Tony?”

“Hey I'm already there and about to enter.” he quickly said without giving the other any chance to speak.

“It’s okay, I'm not there yet. But umm... Can I bring some boys.” Steve asked nervously which surprise Tony because he never knew Steve would befriend today's kids.

“Sure! The more the messier.” Tony said but the reason was he wanted to who are those boys that made him soft. And he sounded happy.

“Okay, thanks.”

After the call Tony joined his friends who scolded him a lot but he ignored them by grinned on them. About half and hours later Steve joined them with four young man. Tony blinked. It was like his universe was just vanished.

“Steve who are you coming with?” Natasha asked suprised.

“Some kids, they are from England and don't know the way to...”

“What is that's boy name?” Tony interuppted pointing at the spectacles young man which seemed pretty to him.

“Oh that's James Potter.” Steve replied with a smile looking at James which didn't go unnoticed by Natasha and Clint.

“They seem like it was their first time seeing all of these.” Clint comments.

“They have been on boarding school.” Steve answered more like defending them.

The four of them reached to the adress where they would be living. It was a small house with four bedroom, a kitchen and a sitting room. They choose their own room and entered, to do God knows what.

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