Chapter 15

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~His fiancee is Muggle? My Lord?~

~He is already pregnant and it will be powerful. I need the baby and the sword. And to get them we need his trust.~

~But the ring? Isn't it...~

~Ah! I forget...~Dark Lord hissed angrily.

“You won't believe this.” Bruce said flipping some papers, “James... Is really pregnant... Look.”

“Bruce, don't you already tell us about that? We already know that.” Clint said, trying to free himself from Peterio back hugged.

“Don’t you think it's kind of weird, male being pregnant? I mean...” Steve started. Natasha rolled his eyes and left with Bruce to eat something.

“Don’t you think it's weird that you live these long without changing your appearance?” Peterio said innocently, resting his chin on Clint’s shoulder while his hands playing on the elder's thing.

“It's because of that serum so I don't think it's weird.” Steve said gazing at Peterio.

“Just like your serum, they have magic in them, so I think it's same. I mean who is normal in our Avenger group.” Peterio shrugged and taking advantage of that he gently but quickly held Clint’s crotch. Clint hissed from it as soon as Steve started to speak again.

“We just met each other but trouble is already climbing on our back, look at Pepper...*Sighed* Magic is so unreal, it's so weird, I mean...” Steve stopped when Peterio suddenly grabbed his neck with a murderous looked.

“So you think my...”

“Peter! No!” Wanda and Clint was quick to pull him always,

“Calm down Rio, come... Oh come on...” Clint finally dragged him away.

“Cap, just because you don't understand magic don't mean you should talk trash about them.” Wanda said.

Sirius and Remus who looked down from the beginning of the conversation, also starting to walked but interuppted by the eruption of green flame in the fireplace. From the fireplace Potters, Blacks and John Lupin exited the fireplace.

“Dad!” “Dad! Mom!” Remus Lupin and  Sirius Black ran to them and hugged them, sobbing. The tears that had been trying to leak from their eyes since the conversation, finally free in their parents' embraced. Parent are someone who we could always be ourselves, one who won't laugh at us nor pushed us always.

Sometimes it's nice to be with my own people even if other are nice.

“You are already adults, why are you crying like this? You look like fishes on land, trying to breathe.” John Lupin joked, returning the hugged from his son as tight.

All of them laughed at that except the two younger wizards and Steve Rogers. The captain was busy garing at the new wizards, trying to uncover any danger.

“So where is James?” Charles Potter asked.

“Tony took him to have some rest.” Wanda said, “Hello I'm Wanda and this is Vision.”

Bruce and Nat also entered at that moment and everyone sat on the sitting room after introducing each other. Everyone seemed to warm up each other, they talked about almost everything.

“Remus, when are you going to propose Sirius?” Lady Black asked teasingly which Remus responded with his red face avoiding everyone's eyes.

The whole table laughed at that except the Lupins. Sirius Black who had been laughing forcefully gently reached his boyfriend’s hand and smile sweetly after Remus looked at him. They all thought Remus’s red face was because of his shyness but Sirius and his father, John Lupin knew it was because of embarrassment he felt when he knew he had no money to buy a ring for their marriage.

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