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It was one evening when Jimin came back from college. He saw a luxurious car parked outside his house. There was also a driver inside. "Why such a car like this is parked here? Maybe it belongs to dad's friends. He didn't tell me that he was going to bring his friends home today." He thought and went inside the house. He called his mom and dad but no answer. Just then he heard some noises coming from the living room. He went there but the view, made him widen his eyes. There were 5 men standing with guns. Two of them were near his parents. And the other three were behind a tall man wearing black overcoat, with a cold look on his face. His parents hands were tied up with ropes and they were kneeling down on the floor bowing their head infront of the tall man.
"MOM! DAD!" He shouted and ran towards them but one of the gunman caught him. His parents lifted their head up and saw their son.
JM/M- "Son! Why did you come here?"
JM/D- "You shouldn't have come here, Jimin."
He wiggled but couldn't come out of the man's strong grip. The man sitting on the couch took a glance at Jimin and looked at his dad. "Is he your son, Mr.Park?"
"Yes, he is. Please don't hurt him"
"Please don't hurt my son. I beg you" His mom cried. The man smirked.
"I like it when people beg and cry infront of me for their family." He looked at Jimin. " What's your name, boy?"
"Why are you mistreating my parents like that?" He shouted.
"Just answer what I asked. I hate when people dodge my questions." He said coldly.
"Park Jimin!"
"Ohh! Nice name, Jimin!"
"Please let my parents go. They didn't do anything."
"Didn't do anything? You think I'm doing that for fun? Looks like you didn't tell him anything about your work, Mr. Park."
"What work dad? What is he talking about? I know you can't do anything wrong." His father looked down.
"Dad? Say something. Tell him that you didn't do anything." But his father kept his mouth shut. He couldn't look at Jimin.
"Aish! Mr.Park. Looks like I've to tell him now." He faced Jimin. "Your father was one of my best man who worked under me, but he took advantage of my trust and got caught red handed. He was giving informations about me to my enemy." Jimin couldn't believe that his father did that. His dad used to go out at night saying he is going to work. He never told Jimin about his work. He always wondered what kind of work his dad did at night time.
"Why did you betray me Mr. Park knowing that I'm the most dangerous Mafia King RM? Now, get ready to be killed." He said coldly. Jimin's eyes widened hearing that he's a mafia.
JM/Dad- "I-I'm really sorry boss. They were paying me the double of my salary. I-I did that only for the sake of my family. I wanted to secure my son's future. Please forgive me. Please show mercy on my family."
RM- "Though your intentions were good but it wont change the fact that you betrayed me. And I show no mercy on betrayers. Not only you, but now your whole family have to face the consequences." He pointed his gun on jimin's dad.
JM/mom- "Okay! Kill us but please leave our son. He is not at fault. He's our only child."
JM/Dad- "Please spare him." Both Park couples kept begging him. RM got annoyed by it.
RM- "SHUT UP!!" He shouted loudly that not only the Park family but his men also flinched. He sighed heavily and sat on the couch, crossing his legs.
"Mr.Park! To be honest, I don't wanna kill you since you also served my father. But you need to be punished for what you did. You'll die along with your wife and son-" He stopped suddenly and looked at Jimin. An idea popped in his mind and he smirked. "Hey, Mr. Park. Your son is quite beautiful. Let's make a deal. It will save your family."
JM/d- "What is it? I can do anything to save my family."
RM- "Give me your son." It shocked the Park family deep down.
JM/D- "Never! I don't wanna push my son in hell just because of me. It's better if you kill me."
JM/M-"We'll never give him to you."
RM- "Even if you don't agree, I could kill you both and get him."
JM/D- "Why are you such a devil? " He said angrily.
RM*laughed*- "Because I'm born devil. And Jimin, it's also upto you if you wanna save your parents. If you agreed, I won't hurt them and let them free. I'll give you 5 minutes to decide." Jimin went in deep thoughts.

"J-just 5 minutes?"

"I don't like to waste my time. Think fast."

After 5 minutes -

RM- "Time's up. So Jimin what did you decide? Will you marry me or not"
JM- "Yes!" His parents widened their eyes when RM smirked.
RM- "Wise decision. You're not stupid like your parents." Jimin didn't say anything and looked at his parents. His mom was a crying mess.
JM/m- "Baby, why did you say yes?"
JM- " I'm sorry Mom and dad. All my life I couldn't give you anything but you gave me unconditional love. You both are the only family I have. I can't see you die in front of me. You gave me a life so I'm giving you life in return." He smiled when a flood of tears escaped his eyes.
RM - "Congratulations! Mr. Park. We're gonna be in-laws. I'll go now. See you in our wedding." He got up and came near Jimin. He leaned to him and whispered in his ear. "Can't wait to make you mine, babyboy!" He left from there with his men. Jimin didn't say anything or look at him but he could feel that the mafia king was smirking. He untied the ropes of his parents. His dad hugged him, crying. " I'm sorry, son! Just because of me, my own child's happiness got ruined. Forgive me son, forgive me."
Jimin hugged back. "Don't apologise dad. Even if I've said no, he would still take me with him but after killing you. And I didn't want that. I don't think I would be able to survive there if you left me. Please be my hope and give me the strength I need. I love you both!" His mom also joined them in the hug.
Only god knows, how would Jimin's life turn out after this.

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