Part- 9

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At University -

Prof- "So who'll solve this question?" He gazed at all the students. "No-one? Ok then! I'll pick myself. Park Jimin?"
JM- *No response.*
Prof- "Park Jimin! Will you come and solve the question on the blackboard?"
JM- *Still no response*

"Chim! He's calling you." Tae whispered in his best friend's ear who was busy in his own world but seemed like he didn't hear him.

"PARK JIMIN! CAN'T YOU HEAR ME???" The professor shouted.

Hearing the loud voice Jimin flinched and immediately stood up. "Y-yes sir?"

"Just where were you lost? Did you even pay attention to the class? I'm calling your name continuously and you are just spacing out. If you can't focus, then GET OUT OF MY CLASS." He shouted.
"I'm really sorry sir. I won't do that again." He bowed and apologized.

"It's my last warning. Sit down!"
"Thank you, sir." Jimin sat down on his seat, feeling embarrassed as the whole class was laughing at him.

The bell rang and the professor left the class. Students packed their bags and started leaving while some of them were just chitchatting.

Tae and Jimin also came out, walking in the corridor.
"Why didn't you warn me that professor was calling my name?" Jimin taunted on which Tae frowned.

"Don't taunt me. I whispered you that he was calling you but you were in your own damn world. It's not my fault."
"Ahh! It was so fucking embarrassing." Jimin whined.

"That's what you get when you don't pay attention to the class." Tae smirked.
"Shut up, Tae!"
"Btw! What makes you spaced out so much? Is RM again giving you a hard time?

"Don't force yourself to say that. What could be expected from that bastard."

"Tae! Please shut up."
"Why are you making me shut up?"

"You know nothing about him Tae so don't say anything. How would you feel if I said something bad about Jungkook?"
Tae glared at Jimin. "Jimin! Don't you say anything inappropriate about him."
"How could you say that? Everyone in the campus know that he's a Playboy. What if he's just playing with y-"

"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP JIMIN!" Tae shouted. "If you said one more word about him, I would punch your face forgetting that you're my best friend. You know nothing about him so shut up."
"Now, did it hurt you? I also feel the same when you judge my husband. You know nothing about him and just judge him. Did you ever consider how would I feel?"
Tae didn't have words to say. He just looked down. "But Jimin, he forced you."
"I agree that he forced me, but it doesn't matter now. He's treating me like a good husband and he's honest. There's no lie."

"Jimin! I'm just worried about you."

"I know Tae. But you just can't judge anyone. I also did the same and now I regret it."
"I... I'm sorry Jimin." He looked down in guilt.
Jimin sighed and put his hand on Tae's shoulder. "Tae! It's okay! I'm doing good. Don't you trust me?"

"I trust you, more than me."
Jimin smiled.
"And sorry to say rude things about Jungkook. I know he's a good person. I didn't mean it."

"It's okay Chim! You did that just to make me realise." He smiled and both friends shared a sweet hug.

At the cafeteria -

"Jimin? Do you love RM?" Tae asked Jimin, making him choke on his food.

"Why all of a sudden you asked me that?"
"I guessed, seeing how you were defending your husband."
"I see."
"So, I'm not wrong, am I?" Tae raised an eyebrow.
"How's your relationship going?" Jimin tried to change the topic.

"Don't change the topic, Jimin!"
Jimin had no choice so he just nodded.
"Yes. I love him."
"Oh, so you finally accepted. What about confession?"
"I didn't."
"What? Are you kidding me? Why haven't you confessed yet, pabo?"

"Do you think it's that easy? I don't even know if he likes me or not."

"As your bestie, instead of giving you ideas, I'll just advice you to show your guts, and confess, without caring what he thinks."

"Easier said than done. I don't wanna hear it from you who was a coward to confess to his crush. You're lucky that Jungkook proposed you by himself." Jimin rolled his eyes which made Tae to pout.

"Ok okay! I was a coward. But whatever it is, you gotta confess, Chim! Fighting!"

"Your cheering isn't helping me at all."
"Chim! You can do it."
"Aish! I'll try."
"Show some spirit."
"I'll confess. Is it fine?"
"You are troublesome."

They were chit-chatting when suddenly -
"Ahh!" Tae flinched when he felt someone blew in his ear. He looked beside him and saw his boyfriend standing, putting his arm around Tae's neck.

"Hey babe!" Jungkook said in a deep and husky voice. It made Tae nervous.
"H-hi Jungkook."
"It's kookie for you, babes!"
"Ok Kookie! What are you doing here?"
"Was just passing by and saw you."
"Is that so? "
"Hmm! Btw, I'm craving to eat something sweet." He smirked and stared at Tae's lips, rubbing his thumb on them. "Can I taste your lips? They look sweet."
The boy turned pink hearing that. He just nodded.
Jungkook leaned more closer to him and was about to touch his lips, just then -
"Yah! You love birds. I'm also here."
They looked at the tiny figure sitting in front of them.
"Aish! Jiminshi! You ruined my lovely moment." The youngest whined.

"You guys have no shame. Just get a room, you two!"

"I don't need any room to kiss my boyfriend." Saying that, he attached his lips with Tae's and backed off. " See ya later, babes!"
"B-bye kookie!" Tae was a blushing mess.
"Bye, my love." He blowed a flying kiss and left from there.
Jimin furrowed his eyebrows.
"How could you guys kiss in front of me? You are shameless."
"Don't be jealous just because you haven't got a kiss from anyone."
"I did."
"What? Did I hear right?"
"RM" He said in a low voice.
"So how was it?" Tae teased.
A red tint appeared on jimin's face.
"I'm getting late. Bye!" He picked his bag and walked outside of the cafeteria, when Tae just kept calling him from behind.

Timeskip - At night

After freshening up, Jimin came out of the bathroom, wiping his hair with towel. Just then his eyes travelled towards the balcony, where Namjoon was standing, his hands supporting on the railing.
He went to Namjoon and stood beside him.
Namjoon was gazing at the moon so attentively that he didn't notice Jimin. His face was glowing in the moonlight, making him to look hella beautiful. Jimin felt like the moon itself came down in front of him. The atmosphere was calm so he thought it's the right time to confess. He felt his heartbeat increasing, making him gulp.
"H-hyung!" He said nervously.
Namjoon looked at him and smiled.
"Oh Jimin! I didn't notice you."
"Hyung, I....wanna tell you something."
"Ahh! What a timing! I also wanted to tell you something. You go first."
"No Hyung. You go first."
Namjoon sighed and scratched his neck. "Well, I don't know how should I start." He took a deep breath. "I'll just come to the point. I love you!"
Jimin widened her eyes.

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