Is it love?

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Author's POV-

At night -

Jimin was sitting on the couch, waiting for his husband. It was around 10:00, still he wasn't back yet. Just when maid came to him.
Maid- "Young Master! How long are you gonna wait? Please have your dinner."
JM- "I'll eat after he comes."
Maid- "Master! There are times when he doesn't even tell us when he is gonna come."
JM- "Huh? Really? How could he do that?"
Maid - "We're used to this. Now come and eat. You also have college tomorrow."
He sighed. "Okay!"
He kept waiting for him all night until he fell asleep.

Morning -
Jimin woke up when the sunrays hit him. He looked beside him and saw emptiness.
"So he didn't come back." He sighed.

After doing his morning routine, he did his breakfast.
"Did you get any call from him?"
"No. Are you missing him?" The maid teased.
"Ani! Why would I miss him?"
"Oh really?"
"I'm getting late for college. See ya!" He avoided eye contact with her and went from there. The maid just chuckled.

Like this, 2 weeks passed. Jimin's eyes wanted to see RM. He was missing his presence. The way he used to feed him, hugging him while sleeping, his cold and sweet talks etc. He would always look at the entrance of the door, hoping to see RM. A loneliness was hidden inside him. He himself didn't know what's happening with him.

He came back to earth when his best friend shouted.
"Huh? Did you say something, Tae?"
"I called your name twice but you didn't listen. Why are you so spaced out? You aren't even eating anything"
"It's nothing." He quietly ate his burger.
"Jimin! Something's bothering you, isn't it? You're also spacing out during class."

"Was I? Hahaha! Maybe it's because of the upcoming exams. Don't worry! I'm fine."
Taehyung looked at him worriedly.
"You should take good care of yourself. Don't stress out."
"Btw, there's something I wanna share with you."
"What is it?"
Tae blushed. "I.... I'm dating Jungkook."
Jimin widened his eyes. "WTF! Since when and you didn't even fucking tell me, bitch!"
"Calm down! Calm down,Chim! He just proposed me yesterday. And I said yes since I had a crush on him also."
"I'm happy for you."
"But let me clear one thing. If you kept blabbering about the couple of things you have done together in front of me, I'll sew your mouth."
Tae pouted.
"So mean! I was planning to share everything to my bestie."
"But you can do that once in a while."
He smiled.

Timeskip - evening

Jimin arrived at home and went straight to the kitchen.
"Noona! Noona, where are you?" He called her but no answer.
"Just where's she?" Then his eyes went to the table. There's a note on it.
Jimin picked it and read.

The note was saying,

"I'm going back to my house because of some personal problems. Don't worry about me. I already made dinner. You just have to reheat it. I'll be back by tomorrow. Take care! - Your Noona!"

He sighed.
"Now, I'm alone in this huge house."

He walked towards his room. Opening it, he saw a tall figure coming out of the bathroom, wiping his hair from towel. He widened his eyes. It wasn't other than his husband. Soon their eyes met.
RM- "You're back?"
JM- "Hmm!" He placed his bag on the table. "When did you come back?" *Low voice*
RM- "Just half an hour ago. Didn't you see my car?"
JM- "Ani. Where were you these days?"
RM- "On a mission. It sure took longer than expected. Did you miss me?"
JM- "Nope!"

Jimin POV-

I missed him. I fucking missed him. Just seeing him after two weeks, I felt like hugging him tightly but I controlled myself. I don't wanna let him know.
"Jimin?" He called me.
"Come here!" He signalled me by his finger.
"Just do as I say." Again he's ordering, but I'm liking it for some reason. It's been a while after all. I nervously went to him. I'm afraid of his anger issues. He held my hand and turned me over, back facing him. He made me sit on the bed and hugged me from back. "I missed you badly."
His touch shivered me up. I'm sure that he can feel it.
"Jimin! Why are you shivering?"
"I.... I'm not."
"You are. Is it because I hurt you?" I kept silent. I don't wanna say anything that would make him angry again.
The next moment, he folded my sleeve up.
"Good thing that it didn't leave a mark." He said and kissed my shoulder.
"Jimin! You know......I'm sorry. That day, I didn't mean to hurt you. It's just I couldn't control myself from bursting out."
He...he apologized? Really? I never thought he would do that
I faced him and said, "I... I'm also sorry. I judged you based on my assumptions. Sorry for calling you a monster."

"Don't apologize. My mind was already disturbed that day so I let out my anger on you. Hope you'll forgive me."
"It's okay."
I was looking down because his dragon eyes are too intense to bear. He lifted my chin up to make me look at him.
"Look at me Jimin!" I looked up. He wasn't looking scary at all and more than that, he was smiling. His dimples were showing. It's so beautiful. It's the first time I was seeing him smiling.
Just then, I felt my heart beating faster than usual. What's that?
"Why are you so beautiful?" He was looking deeply into my eyes, so as me. We're totally lost.
"I don't know." I replied.
He leaned closer and closer to me...until our lips touched. He was kissing me softly. I didn't feel uncomfortable at all. I just closed my eyes, feeling the softness of his lips. I love this feeling. My senses aren't working. I didn't kiss him back, because I was lost. I realised what he did, when he broke the kiss. My cheeks were all red. He was caressing my cheeks and looking at me adoringly.
"Go and freshen up." I nodded and ran to the bathroom. I locked the door. My heart..... it's beating so loudly. It never happened before. Why, why it's happening? Did it happen because I saw him after a long time? I missed him so badly all those days, I wanted him to hold me. Now, when he's in front of me, my heart is pounding like it will burst out at any moment. it love? Really? Thinking about him, I looked down and smiled. My cheeks are red due to blushing. Aish! I'm smiling  like a stupid. Love is so stupid.
I looked myself in the mirror. I finally found the right person I was waiting for since so long. And he.... he's RM.
I love you.....I love you so much Hyung.
Suddenly a thought crossed my mind.
"Does he love me too? Well he kissed me, so why wouldn't he? Or maybe he did just to please himself? No, he can't do that. But there's a fear in my heart.
What if it's just he's obsessed?
Should I confess to him? I have to.... otherwise it'll bother me deep down. I wanna know what he feels for me. I'll confess and find out for sure.

That night, he slept, holding me closer to his chest. I was craving for his warmth and now I'm in the arms of the man whom I love.

End of POV

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