Part- 10

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"Whaaaaaaat?" Jimin couldn't believe in his ears.
"Why are you so shocked? It's okay if you don't feel the same. I won't force you."
"No Hyung! It's not like that. I also love you."
Namjoon just stared at him.
"W-what did you say? Can you say it again?"
"I love you, Hyung." Jimin said shyly.

"Aish! You!" Namjoon facepalmed himself and smiled. "You love me....I just can't express my happiness. Hahaha!" He looked at Jimin. "I never thought that you would love a monster like me."
Jimin frowned and held his hands.
"Stop calling yourself a monster, Hyung. You are a human."
It made Namjoon chuckle.
"Yeah! And you made me realise that I also have a heart which beats only for you."
"So cheesy you are!"
"And this cheesy man is only yours." Saying that, he pulled Jimin closer by his waist, making Jimin to fall on his chest, his hands supporting on his shoulders. This sudden action made Jimin gasp.
The elder stared at his lips. "I want to kiss you. Can I?" He said in a deep voice.
"It's not like you asked for permission before. Then why now, Mr.Kim Namjoon?" Jimin teased by calling him formally on which Namjoon smirked.
"Ok then! I'll do what I want, Mr. Kim Jimin." The younger blushed at this.

Namjoon leaned closer to Jimin's lips and kissed him, Jimin also closed his eyes and kissed back. They were enjoying the moment, feeling the sweetness of each other's lips. Even the moon was blessing them by spreading its light on them. Such a beautiful view was that!
After kissing for sometime, they backed off. Namjoon was lovingly gazing at his beloved while the other one was also doing the same. There was silence between them. The time just stopped for them until Namjoon broke the silence.
"Jimin! What made you to fall for me?"
"Your warmth, caring nature, your cute sides plus your dimple smile. That's what made me to fall for you."
"Am I caring?"
"Don't pretend! You are but never show and you are also a cold ass."
"Cold ass? Is that a compliment?" Namjoon raised his eyebrow. Jimin chuckled.
"BTW Hyung! How did you fall for Jimin?" He asked cutely.
Namjoon thought for a moment and said, "Maybe your looks?" making Jimin pout.
"My looks huh? Nothing more?"
"What's more you have besides your cuteness?" He pinched Jimin's cheek and he just yanked his hand.
"Don't touch me. I hate you."
Namjoon laughed.
"Baby! I was just kidding. To be honest, I don't know but I guess I fell for you a long time ago."
"Long time ago? It's been only three months since our marriage. I don't think it's that long."
"I'm talking about two years ago."
Jimin lost in thoughts.
"It can't be.When did we meet? Can you tell me?"
"Sure." Then he started. "Two years ago..........."

Flashback :-

Namjoon POV-

It was the season of winter when the whole Korea was covered with snow.
I was coming back from a mission just then my driver stopped the car.
"What happened? Why did you stop?" I asked.
"Sir! Looks like there's some problem in the car. Let me check."
The driver tried to start the car but it didn't start. Then he came out and checked the car's engine.
"Sir! The car's engine has got really hot so it won't work. We need a mechanic."
"Then why the hell are you telling me that? Go and get him." I bursted out due to my anger issues.
"B-but sir! All the shops are closed. How can we find a mechanic?"
"Y-yes sir."
The driver and guards got scared and ran away.
I thought that I would have some rest after completing a dangerous mission. I would go home and sip some coffee. But now I just have to wait here just because of this damn car. I harshly kicked it.
They're useless. I'm just gonna fire them.
Anger was all over me. Aish! My head's paining. I saw a bench nearby and sat on it, grabbing my hair in frustration.
"Excuse me! May I sit here?" A sweet voice echoed in my ear. I looked up and saw a boy in hoodie, short in height.
"That's not my seat. Do whatever you want." I coldly said.
"Thank you!" He sat down on the other side of bench.

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