Chapter 1: Volleyed To The Face

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Okay before you read I am just going to tell you that I update really slow.

I was on my way back from a job I just had. It was a great photo as well. It was Miley Cyrus making out with another girl. I would have never guess. Well maybe a little. You are probable wondering what my job is right?

I work as a paparazzi. I am not a fan of it. It was more like forced. I wanted to be a photographer but my aunt Linda the boss the the company thinks other wise. It is not a bad job. I get paid a lot and I get to see a lot of celebs.

I get back to the company and bring my aunt the photo I got. "Good job Dawn. Best photo of the day. This one is going to go everywhere." My aunt said placing the photo on the glass desk. I smile. "Thanks. It was not that hard to get it. I climb into a tree that was in the back of her house and I got it." My aunt giggles. "That's my girl, I will let you go on break and then come back to my office later, I have another job for you." I nod then leave.

I always like to call this the pirate ship, only because it seems like it. My Aunt Linda is the caption, and everyone is the crew its simple as that.

I walk into the break room where a couple of people who dislikes me because they always think I am a brat but I am not. They are just upset that I can get better photos then them. Then we have to people who likes me where we always talk.

"Hey Dawn. How was the job." Emily Wilson asked. I smile. "Awesome. I got one of her kissing another girl." I sat down on the comfy chair that was in the middle of the room facing a couch. "Nice." She said giving me a high-five. "GUYS GUESS WHAT!!!" Alex Best said running into the room. I turn to see him out of breath.

"What?" Emily ask. "I HAVE A COUPLE OF VIDEOS OF ONE DIRECTION!!! AND HARRY STYLES IS CRYING" He was so happy. I groan "What so great about them. They are just some snotty brats with money." I lean in my chair not happy to hear about that. "Dawn maybe you are not a fan of them but we are." He said coming up to us. "Here look."

"Harry, Harry." I hear Alex's voice in the back. I look at the screen to see a guy with curly hair crying. "Get away from him." I heard a Irish voice and see a couple of guys coming up to him. He started to cry some more. It is only because they hate paparazzi that bug them like the ones in the video. "Harry, are you dating anyone? Is it true your going out with Taylor Swift again?" Alex screamed because it was noisy from the other paparazzi and some fans. then the clip ended.

"Nice, I think it is better then the one Dawn got today." Emily said smiling and sitting back in her place. "Maybe" Alex said sitting on the arm on my chair. "Pfft, nothing beat Miley kissing a girl nothing." I said crossing my arms.

We all laugh. I look at the time and I had to go see my aunt again for my new job. "Well see ya guys, I am going to get my new job today." I said standing up and heading out of the room.

I head to my aunts office once again. I walk in and see my aunt sitting facing the window. "Hey aunt I am back." I said as I close the door behind me. She turns around and rest her elbow on her desk. I sit down in the white chair that faced her.

"Okay Dawn your new job it to go to Clear water beach." I smile. I love the beach. "I have heard that One Direction was seen in that spot and I need you to get the pictures." I groan. "No not them." She smiles. "Come on Dawn you are the only one who will not scream when you see them." I groan again. "Fine. Only because I am going to the beach." My aunt claps her hands together. "Great, but remember don't get caught." "Aye aye caption." I said standing up and get ready.

I go change into light blue shorts, black tank top, black vans, with black sunglasses. I grab my camera and phone and head to the beach in my blue 2014 Ford.

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