Chapter 4: Sick and A Helpful Doctor.

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This chapter is really short, I was really busy and I couldn't think of anything at the same time.

I have been in my aunt's office fighting with my mother wondering why she is here. She randomly comes here every so often. But she has a reason but it is retarded. The last one was asking if she can have her photo taking for the magazine article because she got a new outfit.

She never learns. This time she said she came to visit. We asked her to leave so many time because we were busy. This time of year all of the celebs come to town for the famous fair that comes around and we needed to get ready.

"Mother, please leave. You can't be here." I said to her. "Why not! Can't I come visit my own daughter and sister at work?" She argued. "No!" My aunt and I said. "Why not?" "Because we are busy working and we don't have time for visitors. We can't have someone walking around like they please when they don't work here." My aunt said.

"Your not aloud here anyways. There is no one aloud here unless they work here. We have that as a new rule of the company." I said. "Then I work here now." She said. "Omg you can't and you will never work here." I spat at her. "Why." Omg. "Sister just go home and don't come back."Aunt Linda said. I put my hands over my face. "Don't tell me what to do." She said raising her voice. "Then don't come here." Aunt and I said at the same time.

"Mom if we have to we will call the police and have then take you out of here." I said getting a coffee. It was now 11:51. "Mother just go home, it is already pass 10 o'clock just leave and don't come back." I said almost yawning.

She stands up. "Fine." She then turns and leave. One of the founders were looking at us. "Make sure she leaves. Watch her. If she stays here and tell us." "Yes." He said and started to follow my mother. "Finally." I said. "Yup. Took us almost the whole day to get her out this time." My aunt said.

"You going home?" My aunt said getting up and putting her jacket on. "Nope, I have some paper work I need to finish." "Well don't stay to long. Also lock up when your done." She said leaving the building. I was now the last person in the building.

I was in my office working of some files that I needed to finish before tomorrow. After that I turned off all the lights and locked the doors and headed home at 4:23 in the morning.

I was too damn tired. I parked my car and got into the house. I mange to lock my doors and climb up to my room and change into pj's. I fell asleep once I hit my soft comfy bed.

I woke up from my phone ringing. I answered it. "Hello?" I said. I was still to damn tired and I felt sick. "Hey Dawn, you feeling okay?" My aunt asked. "Not really." I yawned. "Okay then, stay home today and get some rest." "K, See you later then." I hung up the went to sleep. I woke up an hour later because of my laptop going off this time.

I left Skype on. Great. I got out of bed putting my hair into a messy ponytails. I press the webcam button.

"Hey girl." Louis said. "Oh it's you." I snapped. "Well then. Morning to you to sunshine." He joked. I yawned. "Yeah, yeah. What do you want?" I said grabbing a water bottle from the mini fridge next to the desk.

"I just want to talk. BTW you look like crap." Louis smirked. "Thanks smart ass. I know, I am sick." I said resting my head on my hand. "Where do you live?" He asked.

"Why do you want to know?" "Because I am coming over to your house and taking care of you." I just looked at him. "No." I smiled. "Tell me." He said with more rasp in his voice. "Fine." I told him my address and I went downstairs to unlock my door. I sat on my couch and wait for him to come.

It only took him 19 minutes to get here. There was knock on the door. I got up and walked to the door. "Welcome." I said. "Hello." Louis said with a smile. "You look like a pizza boy." I joked. He comes in as I close the door behind him.

"Have you eaten anything?" He said coming from the kitchen. "No, I was sleeping when you called." He shakes his head. "You need to eat I will make you soup." He walking into the kitchen.

"How do you think you got sick?"I look over to him. "Well it could be from you and your band members, the bitch who would not leave the company last night, or it was staying up until 4 something at work in a air conditioning office," I said.

I sat down at the table. Louis was looking through my things to find things he can put in the soup. He found what he was going to put in the soup and put then on the counter by the pot on the stove.

Ding Dong

"I'll get it." Louis said. "Wait only look in the peephole. No one knows your here." I said to him. "Okay." He walked out of the room. "It is a woman with short black hair, with glasses, and bright red lipstick." He said as I walk into the hallway.

"Damn it why is she here?" I groan. "Who is it?" Louis said. I look through and see the last person I ever want to see. "My mother." I groan once again. "Hide here." I said for him to hide behind the door. I open the door and I saw her standing there with her arms across.

"Why did it take you so long to open the door?" She spat. "Why did you come here?" I said scratching my head. "I can't come see my own daughter?" She now put her hands on her hips. "No, no you can't." I said. I look behind the door and Louis was just looking at me. "Why not?"

"Omg not this kind of conversation again Aunt Linda and I told you yesterday didn't we?" I said leaning on the door. "That is just going to work. Not come to my daughters house."

I groan. "Mother just go back home." "Why?"

I fought with her last night I don't want to do it again. "Let me in." "No. Go home." I put my leg on the door leg to stop her from walking in more. She shakes her head. "Go to hell mother," I slammed the door in her face and locked it. "Go to hell." I walk back into the kitchen and sat down.

"Is that how you talk to your mother?" Louis asked walking in. "Every time, she bugs me and my aunt all the time. Remember when I had to run out of the cafe last night and told you that I had to deal with a bitch last night?" I said looking over to him. He nods. "Well that's her and the reason I had to go." "Oh." Was the last thing he said as he starts to make the food.

He finish making it and put it in a bowl and place it in front of me. "Eat up." He sat in front of me. I picked up the spoon and started to eat. "Not bad." I looked at him. He smiled. "Thanks it is my secret recipe." I nod and took another spoonful. After that I got in the shower. Well was made to. I got out dried myself off and changed into a white shirt and black sweats.

I walked back downstairs see him watching t.v. I sit next to him. "Anything good?" He shakes his head. It is a little awkward that Louis is in my house. I never would have thought that this day will come. I always thought that they were brat who only cared about them self's. I guess I really wrong, they do care about others.

"How long are you staying for?" I asked. "Bored of me already?" I smile. "Maybe." He put 'I'm shocked' face on and I laugh. It was a really funny face. "Well, maybe later on tonight. I brought movies." He said grabbing the bag he brought with him. I grabbed his bag and took out the movies. (The Duff, Narnia, Twilight, and One Direction movie.)

I grabbed it and looked at him. "Hey, I love seeing myself on t.v." I roll my eyes. "I'm putting in The Duff." I said getting up and going to the DVD player. I put the movie in. "What anything to drink?" He ask as I turn around and he went into his bag and brought out two big bottles of pop and two big cans of brisk half & half.

"I'll have the brisk." I said sitting next him and grabbing the can. I press play on the remote and the movie started. Louis and I watched movies for the whole day. It was a nice and relaxing, I never got to do this because I am always working. "How are you feeling?" Louis said putting his hand on my forehead. "You still have a fever."

"Of course, you don't get over a sick just in a few hours I said to him." He rolled my eyes. "Whatever, it is late and I need to get going. Talk to you tomorrow and go to bed." "Yes dad." I said as he put his movies in his bag.

He chuckled. "Bye." He said leaving. "Bye." I shout before he closes the door. I get up and turn off all the lights and lock the front door. I head upstairs and we to the bathroom before I went to bed.

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