Hands That Weren't Ready To Hold Me

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Pedri's intentions were clear; he knew he had to end things with Sienna before pursuing the younger.

It wasn't fair for her to be a part of his fake romance, a relationship that did not reciprocate her love . He could never love her the way he did when he was younger; not when his days were filled with thoughts of a certain set of brown eyes and his nights filled with dreams of the same boy's warmth on him.

Before being caught up in this mess, Pedro had been entirely unaware of just how much three lives would be fucked up for his rash decisions. But now that he had realised, he knew that he needed to be the one to make amends.

Honestly, he was still scared; terrified to face the fans and their emotions when they find out his sexual orientation. He still feared being kicked out of his dream club and ruining his career for good .

But the last few months had taught him that Gavi was way more important to him than anything; everything else disappeared into thin air when it came to the younger. Pedri couldn't exactly tell if he was gay or straight; he just liked Pablo... That's it. No other girl or boy could ever make him feel like this; like his heart was set on fire but in the most beautiful way.

And so here he was, sitting in an isolated coffeehouse with Sienna seated opposite to him while his mind came up with all the possible ways to break the news to her while hurting her the least. Ofcourse, he knew that it couldn't be avoided but still...

"What's on your mind??" Sienna spoke with a faint smile.

"I, actually... I've been thinking. Um... I don't know how to say this... You know I'd never do this intentionally but... I don't wanna hurt anyone, I swear. " He was spewing rubbish at this point.

"Pedri, stop... I don't know why you sound so nervous, but please just tell me what you want to say exactly..."

Okay, so this was it, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. This moment right now was going to change the entire trajectory of his future.

"I've tried so hard... The last few months I've done everything to catch feelings again... But I couldn't... I'm so sorry. I don't know why my heart just won't accept what I want it to feel. And you don't deserve to be treated like this, it's not fair. You'll find someone else who can give you the world and it's not me..." Cause my world is someone else, he wanted to add, but he didn't..."It's best we go our separate ways".

Pedri dragged his downcast eyes to look up at her and was surprised to see that she was still smiling gently.

"To be honest, I knew this was coming..." she shook her head as she let out a pained chuckle, "I think I was just being so selfish to let you go again that I ignored all the signs. But I'm glad you've finally said it, you're right, this thing-" her hands gestured between them, "isn't going anywhere... "

Pedri couldn't be more relieved that she had accepted it so easily, he still felt like a dick...

"Can you just tell me why though? Why couldn't you love me again?" She asked softly, "There's someone else, isn't it?"

"What?! No... I just need to... focus... on football." fuck... Even he wouldn't believe himself.

"Stop lying, Pedri. I know you're not one of those people who gets their professional and personal lives mixed up...It's not you. So just... tell me, honestly"

Her eyes looked into his, searching for an answer and he hated himself more and more with each passing second for doing this to her in the first place. He wished he hadn't rushed into a relationship to escape his feelings for Pablo... But it was too late to ponder on past actions now.

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