I Have Loved You. I Have To Deal With That.

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         Gavi woke up to the sound of his alarm going off; he groaned as he reached out to turn it off. His eyes fluttered open slowly; squinting at the bright light of the morning sun  as he took in his surroundings, his own room seemed distant and weird to him; having spent most of his nights with the older.

It had been a few days since 'the' incident had happened; Gavi had woken up that following day to find embarrassingly  dark red and purple marks on his body that ran all the way from his jaw to his thighs. The younger had dreaded training that day, and   even  though he'd tried his best to cover it up; some of the younger boys in the locker room had seen him and made teasing remarks somewhere along the lines of, "Gavi's having some wild nights" and "Dude, were you mauled by a bear?" followed by guffaws and laughter resonating from all sides. Gavi had wanted to punch the older when he saw Pedri adorn a proud smirk. Luckily, the boys didn't hold onto it for too long and the humiliating day had become less than a memory for all except Gavi.

He lazily got up to shower; feet dragging across the cold tiled floor and got ready for the day he'd promised to spend with Ansu. As much as he tried to play it cool, he was dying with anticipation to spend the day with his bestfriend. It was like he was a kid all over again and he just knew Ansu and him had so much to catch up on .

Ansu was at his doorstep sharp 11am as they'd planned; Gavi as always, was running late, fumbling with his shoelace and finally rushed out the door, coming face to face with his best friend.

"Pablo, you almost slammed my beautiful face with your door!!!" Ansu overreacted as always, grabbing his nose as though Gavi had smashed it. The older was one amongst the very  few people who still called him by the name and not Gavi. They'd known each other since the time when one's first name had been given more importance than the name printed on the back of their jersey.

"But I didn't, so let's go now.."  Gavi said, dragging the complaining boy by the arm.

When they were finally inside the car, Ansu put on his latin pop playlist and drove to their first destination; the theatre.

The older got them tickets to a recently released horror/thriller movie even though they were both terrified of them; Ansu and his need to stay on top of anything trending and popular was to blame. They somehow managed to sit through the movie; with their eyes half closed and flinches every ten minutes.

They stopped at a restaurant next; eating to their fulfillment. They then spent the next few hours shopping as Ansu said the younger needed an 'upgrade' to his style. Gavi didn't mind letting the older select his outfits for him and listened closely as he instructed him on which clothing item to pair with what; everyone knew how on point Ansu was when it came to fashion. They even went to a bowling alley; playing enthusiastically even though they were horrible at it. They were lucky to have a career in football and not this...

They went back home to Gavi's, and spent the rest of their time  talking about every single detail that had been going on in their lives; well almost everything, Gavi had yet to tell him about Pedri...

They ordered pizza for dinner while they played FIFA on the younger's couch, having random conversations here and there about how their how familes were doing , new gossip on their Barca teammates and old friends from La Masia, they must've spoken about everything under the sun; including their neighbours' pets.

Finally, their much awaited dinner arrived and as they leaned over the kitchen counter devouring their food, their animated conversations picked up on where they had left and flowed easily again. Everything is so perfect with Ansu, Gavi thought, he wished he didn't have the drowning feeling everytime he realised just how much he was hiding from him.

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