We're Just Friends

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       This was not how Pedri had planned to spend his day off from the gruelling schedule, away from the prying eyes of the media, a much awaited moment of relaxation. Don't get him wrong, he loved his friends and enjoyed their company, but right now all that his brain did was make continuous trains leading to thoughts of the younger and a certain someone he didn't even wanna mention.

His imagination went all over the place, doing somersaults and backflips in his head of all possible scenarios, the most prominent one being him dying old, grey and alone, while Gavi marries Oscar in matching white suits and equally matching bright smiles lighting up the wedding Chapel, the room turning brighter and brighter with each passing moment untill all he could focus on was Oscar and how his wide smile slowly turned into an evil smirk.

"Pedri .. Pedri...Pedri.." He woke up with a startle as Eric shook him gently.

"The pizza's just arrived. Do you want to nap a little longer or eat now? " He asked, concern evident on his face.

"Yeah, I'll um...eat." he answered, stifling a yawn as he moved to a sitting position on the sofa he had been stretched out on.

"DAMN...Come on, Pedri, we're clearly not THAT boring for you to sleep on us ..." Ferran exaggerated as they walked to the kitchen counter where Ronald and Balde were opening up the pizza boxes.

"Or are you just missing Gavi... Hm?" Ansu followed, with a smirk and a mischievous glint in his eyes as he passed them their cans of soft drink.

Ansu's words caught him off guard, completely waking him from the light traces of his slumber.

"Who cares about him...." he mumbled, quickly regaining his composure and even he could recognise the insincerity in his voice.

"But really... Who's Oscar? Have you guys know him for a long time?" Ferran asked taking a bite of his pizza, referring to the La Masia graduates .

"Yeah...  You see, we're all close childhood friends,  Balde knows him too"  he made a quick gesture at the boy and the mentioned nodded his head in agreement, "but he's just always been closer with Pablo. And as kids, they were inseparable; they did everything together, went everywhere together. Wherever Pablo was, so was Oscar, infact the names 'Oscar and Pablo' were never treated as two different individuals in La Masia. "

Pedri's hand involuntarily tightened around his coke can, the contrast of the freezing metal against his burning skin;  caused by the heat of the summer sun and maybe, something more...

He  quickly gulped down the cool liquid, a miserable attempt to calm his fuming head.

Suddenly Alejandro started laughing, "I just remember when all the boys in the Masia used to joke about how beautiful of a couple they were and should definitely get married someday.."

The Canarian immediately choked and spurted out the contents of his drink, and coughed violently making desperate attempts to inhale air into his lungs , while the image of his dream earlier and Balde's current words tattooed into his brain.

The boys turned to him in surprise.

"Woahh.... Slow down." Ferran said, as he sternly patted him on his back, easing his struggle.

"I'm..." *cough* "I'm fine" *cough* 

Pedri's eyes stung with unshed tears, the acidic drink still burning at the back of his throat and chest... Not because of Gavi... Not at all.

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