Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

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Jungkook's POV

It's nice to be in a foreign country. Despite being a world star, it's as if everyone here doesn't even recognize us. Back in Korea, wherever I go, I'm always swarmed by people working for the media, or haters, and fans. But when we arrived in Florida, sure the airport was packed, full of people to see our arrival, but after that, we wandered the streets like normal people as if nobody knows us at all.

We went to the hospital to get Minhan checked, and gladly her arm is fine. Just swollen and bruised from the incident, but any major injury is absent. I made sure she wouldn't sleep on her bad arm, and treat it as soon as I wake up in the morning. She seems not to mind the injury, and even said "If I get to have all of Daddy's attention on me because I am hurt, then I want to be hurt all the time."

Gladly Y/n and Minhoo weren't around when she said that. I can't imagine the hurt both of them would feel, but then I made Minhan promise that she can't be biased to any one of us, she can't love one family member more than the other, and that it should be equal because we're all one. Then I told her that if she'd get herself hurt always, then I don't know what would happen to her if we talk about it in a real life situation.

Her body might not be able to handle all the constant pain and I don't want to lose my baby. Being separated from them even for just a day was already too much pain for me to much more if they'd be gone for real?

Let's not think about it now.

"I wanna buy this!" Minhan tugged at my arm and showed me the Minnie Mouse headband. I silently sighed at that. She alrrady bought a shirt, a dress, a plushie, a mystery toy, a pack of those large bubbles, a balloon, and more lists to go.

But I love spoiling my baby, so why not? I decided to buy it for her anyway.

Me and Minhan are the only ones walking around the park buying stuffs here and there. Actually, we all went here together, but Minhoo had pulled Y/n towards the rides while Minhan pulled me to these shops buying everything she sets her eyes on. I'm sad we got separated, but I trust that Y/n will call me anytime...or maybe I should just call her now...

My legs shook in impatience as Minhan continued to drag me around the shop, jumping from shop to shop, buying things, and eating sweets. I came here for the rides! As soon as Minhoo finished riding all the rides here, Minhan would be yet to finish!

"Princess, I think that's enough for today now. We should go and find Mommy."

"But, Daddy---"

"Please, princess? We came here to enjoy the rides, shopping can be done at any time. Tomorrow, there will be new products better than the others here, so just listen to daddy, okay?" I coaxed. She sighed and pouted, but nodded anyways. I know she did that just so that I'd feel bad and make her do what she wants to do, but not this time.

I pecked her forehead and carried her in my arms as we walked out of the shop. We first went to look for a baggage deposite, and after that was done, I rang Y/n's phone.

"Hey, baby... Where are you?" I asked.

"I don't know...but we're lining up to watch this 3D movie theater thing? I don't know... The Little Mermaid section, I believe."

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