Part 22: 14 weeks later

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Naruto POV:

''Sasuke, are you sure you will cancel the mission just to go with me??'' I asked Sasuke by the table as we ate breakfast.

''I am really sure! I can't wait to know more about the baby!'' Sasuke says.

Menma groans.

''Can't I skip the academy today just to 'get to know' the baby too!?'' He asks.

''You know we can't do that, Menma. But we will obviously tell you what we get to know.'' I say and grin. 

We are going to the doctor's to finally know the baby's gender!!

I am so excited! I feel like the time I was pregnant with Menma, everything was so new and exciting!!

''Well we should get going. Our appointment is in almost 30 minutes and it is a 10 minutes walk.'' Sasuke says and stands up from the table. I smile.

''Yeah, and time for Menma to go to the academy!'' I say.

Menma rolls his eyes and then stands up and runs to the hall, puts on his shoes.

''Bye!'' He yells and opens the door.

''Bye!'' Me and Sasuke yell back as menma walks ot of the house and closes the door.

Then I feel some arms wrap around my waist. I melt into the touch.

''I am so excited.'' Sasuke whispered against my neck which sent me goosebumps.

''Me too.'' I say.

Then Sasuke lets go of me and walks into the hall to put on his cloak and shoes.

I try to put on my shoes but the bump was just in the way so Sasuke had to help me which I didn't complain so much about.

Sasuke then stood up straight, kissed my cheek and then kissed the baby bump before opening the door for me.

I walked out and feel the summer breeze hit me gently in the face. I start walking and Sasuke (The overprotective teme he is) helps me walk by giving me balance.

''Teme, I can walk by myself.'' I say. Sasuke chuckles.

''I know, but I want to help my little dobe.'' He says which makes me blush.

When we arrived at the hospital, Sasuke let me sit down as he walked up to the receptionist.

''Hello, mr Uchimaki, what can I do for y-'' She started looking at me and smiled.

''The doctor will soon arrive in about 5 minutes.'' She says with a smile and return her gaze at Sasuke.

Sasuke nodds and walks back to me and sits down.

I layed my heda down on his shoulder. He chuckled.

''Sleepy fox?'' He asked.¨

I blushed.

''I am.....I wanna sleeep'' I whine as I close my eyes.

''You can sleep if you want. I will wake you up when the doctor comes.'' Sasuke says and then I doze off.

(5 minutes later)

''Naruto, time to wake up.'' I herad Sasuke's voice say.

''Noooo.'' I whine.

''65 years moreee.'' 

Sasuke chuckles.

''The doctor called us.'' He says and that is what was needed for me to pop out of my seat.

''Ah, there we have the wonderful Hokage and the husband himslef. Let me show you your room.'' The doctor says and make a gesture to us to follow him.

Me and sasuke followed.

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