Chapter 13

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I had been in the library all day among the other students, who constantly worried about nothing except what class they had next. I suppose that is what every person was busy with anyways. That and their anticipation of where the next party would be so they could blow off some steam.

Meanwhile, I began borrowing books under my name at the school's library. I made an entire list of the new topics we were studying so I could get an early read and be a step ahead like always. Though the books I couldn't find here would most likely be found on the school's student website. That was the great thing about technology these days. You could find anything just by typing it on the search bar, which was more than handy at times. Especially since I was using my laptop a lot more after Taehyung had suggested it to me. This meant that I was no longer scrambling through the papers or losing any of them on my way to class (Which was more frequent that I would like to admit).

Now, sitting in the library with the music plugged in was definitely a good way to spend an afternoon alone after Taehyung had cancelled our plans. When he called after he didn't show for class, I was informed that I wouldn't see him again until a few days when he could come back from one of his father's business trips. Unlike me, he wasn't surprised to hear the news. Apparently his father always dragged him to things like that so he would get a hold of the ropes and 'prepare for your future' as he quoted his father.

But his voice of silent dread and forcefulness of the situation pitched when I spoke to him on the phone. He told me that he didn't want to go, and I didn't blame him. If I were being forced into doing an entire career I hadn't chosen, I would be more than reluctant to go as well. Though, besides him going away, I assured him again and again that he wouldn't have to worry about missing class and that we would go for coffee when he came back. Then the call ended with what sounded like a loud speaker saying they need to board something, but I never got to find out what it was before the line cut off. Which leads me here, signing for books and swiping my student card across the machine to hold on to the books I needed for the remainder of the semester.

The lady at the front counter seemed nice enough with her light, yet polite smile. I could imagine myself working in a large library like this as a small job, and for a moment, it was painted in front of me. It would certainly pay a fair amount of money but I knew that my mother wouldn't approve of it. Though she was fine with me getting an internship, a real job like shelving books seemed too much.

I placed the bag of heavy books on the long table and looked at the other students with their heads down, writing large paragraphs into their computers. But as I observed for the short minute, I noticed a certain familiar blond with headphones and blue eyes. His head was deep in three different textbooks, and  could almost hear the loud music playing in his ears from where I stood.

"Kai?" I call out to him, and in poor attempt.

I went over to his hunched figure and tapped him on the shoulder. When his eyes met mine and recognized who I was, he cleared out a smile on his lips.

"Hey!" His fingers popped out his ear-buds.

"Hey." I grinned.

"Here," He pulled out an empty chair next to him and waited for me to sit. "How are you?"

"I'm really good," I smile. "I'm sorry if I interrupted you.. I can leave if you want?"

"No- no, stay. I was just finishing up."

I laugh softly and point to the scattered sheets of paper in front of him. "What are you studying?"

"Uh, economy." His cheeks haze in a pink shade. "It's a side class but it's kicking my ass." He laughs nervously and brings his hand to the back of his neck.

"I'm sure it can't be that bad."

I take the chance and skim above his pages that ranged of numbers and equations.

"Well, I'm certainly regretting the choice of taking it now." He laughed again and shut his book, packing his things up. "You know, it's actually perfect that you're here. I was going to come and find you sometime this week to tell you the good news about the internship.

I looked at him with wide and hopeful eyes.

"I checked with the admissions office and they said they're thinking about taking you in. The odds are looking pretty good for you, Jennie."

"Are you serious? That's amazing! Thank you so much!" Right now, I was so much more than just grateful for his amazing help and selfless gesture.

"It's nothing. I'm just glad I could help you out." He continues to stuff his sheets of paper into his desk until he makes a sudden stop. He turned to me with a questionable look on his features and tilted his head to side slightly. "When was the last time you ate?"

I stared at him, brows furrowed into a single thick line.


"I don't mean to be weird, I swear." He chuckles. "I was just going to shop around the corner for some lunch, and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me? I just guessed you haven't eaten today and I thought since I haven't either, we could go together?"

I fixed on his eyes and noticed how the blue in them almost reflected against mine.

"I... I can't."

"It's only lunch." I looked at him with uncertainty crossing over me. "At least eat something? They do takeout too, so you wouldn't have to stay, or wait long for the food."

Honestly, I didn't want to decline Kai. I felt like I owed him so much after he had helped me out with the internship so far, but I didn't have the money to go out and eat. After my car broke down and I had to get someone to fix it, I began to use the last of my saved  money. I even started shopping for groceries only when they were on sale to make it last a little longer, but I knew that it would run out eventually. And I also knew that Kai would be the kind of guy to pay for your food if you didn't have any, and I couldn't allow that. Taehyung buying me coffee almost everyday was more than enough, and I felt terrible about that as it was. I couldn't let another person do that for me.

"I wish I could... I'm sorry."

"Don't mention it." He fiddled with his hands and looked away from me. "If you ever fell like it or if you change your mind, let me know. There's no rush."

I wasn't sure if he had meant to or not, but his reply sounded as if he was apologizing for asking me out to lunch. I felt even worse inside knowing I had disappointed and embarrassed him when I hadn't meant too.

Shortly after I watched Kai leave, I made my way to my car with the heavy bag of freshly borrowed books. I placed them in the trunk and watched as the entire drive home entered through a series of blurs.

I really needed that internship. Without it, I only had four weeks with money and food left. After that, I didn't know what would happen. And I wasn't exactly a fan of the unexpected.

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