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It was like a zoo.

Loud and crazy.

Everyone was running around like headless chickens. All you wanted was to get back into the elevator and go home. There was a ding, but it didn't faze you. You stood there staring at the madness and it was only five minutes to nine.

"Look alive, Y/N" a voice nearly knocked you off your feet when Mr Sturniolo walked by you, bumping into you. On purpose or by accident, who knew?

You swallowed and rushed to your desk.

Step one, drop my purse off at my desk and put it in any drawer that wants to open today.
Step two, take my phone out and put it in another working drawer. Pull the drawer back open and put your phone on silent.
Step three, hang your coat over the back of your chair.
Step four, go to Matt's office, since today was the first time he'd been in early
Step five, avoid being yelled at by Matt.
Oh and step six, clock in before nine.

All it took was two knocks today.

"Good morning, it's nice to see you here bright and early" you greeted him and closed the door behind you. Don't interrupt. Don't get in his way. Don't make him mad.

"It's too early if you ask me, but I'm fine thanks. I'm ready for that coffee"

I put a coaster in front of him and then a napkin. First the sandwich, then the oatmeal, then the coffee and the sugar. Matt blew the steam off the coffee and took a sip of it.

"What's on the agenda today?" He asked.

"You have an appointment with Mr Finley at quarter to ten, you have a Skype call with Mr Hart for Lilly Hart's case at eleven. Lunch with Mr and Mrs Quinn at the Indian Place down the block and tea with Judge Justice at two thirty. Nothing after that and of course, Mrs Hart's case is on the agenda all day today" I read aloud to him and he nodded, chewing his sandwich.

"Good job"

You let yourself savour the closest thing you'd gotten to a compliment from him.

"Thank you, I'll be getting to work then" I said, not even sitting down.

He didn't say anything and when you approached the door, you were shocked when you heard a song start to play. You turned around and saw him bopping his head to the song. It took him a minute to realise I was staring.

"I never thought you'd be an Elvis fan"

"I definitely mentioned it before. I'm a massive fan, you should know" he said and you smiled.

You slipped out quietly, glad you turned on your laptop before getting his breakfast. You sighed in and opened your email. You skimmed over the emails from clients from appointments to information they had in regards to their case. The laptop chimed with a new email.

From Matt.Sturniolo
To: Y/N.Y/L/N

I need you to add more to the list for today.

The appointment with my doctor needs to be moved up, my backs getting worse and I need to see him straight away.
Cancel tea with the judge, he rang and had to cancel so check if the doctor can fit me in this afternoon.
Reschedule lunch with the judge.
Look for charity auctions, special guest appearances, anything I could attend to keep up my image.
Don't forget the sale at the market today's the last day for it.
I need new socks.
That's all I think. And make sure you get back to Mrs Clark, she's impatient and the sooner you get back to her, the quicker she'll stop talking your ear off.

You sighed and looked over the rest of the emails you have to read. You grabbed your AirPods out of the drawer.


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