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"No..what are you doing here?" I asked, unable to find the right words. Or my thoughts.

At my words, Matt's face fell, his eyebrows fell and his smile faded. It escapes my mind when he crossed the distance between us. Suddenly, he was pulling me into him. With sleep on my mind, I froze.

"Please don't tell me you left work to drive three hours here" I confessed into his shoulder and he ran his hand up and down my back.

"I have a case tomorrow nearby..just let me do something nice for you" he said, resting his chin on my head.

"I'm sorry. I just woke up and you caught me off guard" I apologise, feeling myself relax.

"It's okay" he hummed. "I know you had a rough night- well couple days" He mumbled, brushing his lips off my hair. I waited- would he kiss my head? But he didn't and I tried to ignore the disappointment inside me.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you and I figured I had to come up here tomorrow morning. What's an extra night, huh?" There I was crying tears over his shoulder.

He held me tight against me and he rested his cheek on my head. I let myself and everything I was feeling melt against him. "You don't know what that means to me" I admitted, in a shaky voice.

"I think I do because you were there for me the day of the funeral when I needed a friend. And at the hospital. You showed up for me and I wanted to do the same for you" I smiled amongst the tears. "I brought food because you probably haven't eaten"

He laughed and rubbed my back. I stepped away and looked into his eyes.

"No more tears, okay? Let's go and eat dinner and find something good to watch" he whispered, stroking my cheek. I nodded and he took my hand in his, leading the way.

"I hope burger and fries are alright"

"Of course they are. Did you get them from McDonald's?"

"Yeah, only the best"

I thanked him as we pass each other food and tissues. With two cups of water, we dig in.

"These are good" Matt mumbled with a mouth full of food. I hummed, trying not to laugh at the food on his mouth.

With my free hand, I grabbed the grey remote beside me.

"Hey, it's my turn to pick what we watch" Matt whined, stealing the remote from me.

"Rude!" I tried to be angry, but it didn't work. Matt licked his thumb and looked at me, smiling.

I shook my head and picked up a fry. I looked back at him and he was concentrating on the TV. I smiled and noticed his reflection in the dark window on the other side of him. Kicking his foot with my right, he looked at me confused.

"Just pick something!" I said, using my hands to talk.

"Let a man think" he said, eating another fry

"No, not when it takes you an hour" I said, taking the remote from his hands.

"Hey! I was going to put on an episode of Scooby Doo!"

"You like Scooby Doo?" I asked, turning my head to look at him.

"Who doesn't? I grew up watching that show with my brothers" he said and my heart jumped in my chest. "What? Do you not like it?"

"No, I love it. It's my comfort show- I watch it when I'm happy, sad, angry" I said slowly. When he hummed, the devil and angel inside of me go crazy. For once, they root for the same team.

"Favourite character?"

"On the count of three?" I asked and he nodded


The Assistant (Matt Sturniolo) Where stories live. Discover now