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"Y/N, what happened?" He asked and the first tear had already fallen.

"He's gone. My grandpa..he.."

"Oh" he sighed and then there was silence. All I could hear was my sniffling and the ticking of the clock. "I'm so sorry, I really am. I can't imagine how you're feeling. You sure there's nothing I can do to help?"

"No..but thanks"

"Forget about the list. I can take care of what's left, it's no problem. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you"

"Are you sure?" I asked, wiping a tear away with my sleeve.

"Don't worry about it, okay? Do what you have to do and take as much time off as you need"

"I can't. You already gave me this week and..I need to work" I tell him, before more tears fell. Isn't this just great? I'm crying and word vomiting to my boss, who hates me enough as it is.

"Don't worry, okay? I told you to take off as much time as you need. If you come back any sooner, I'll send you back home" he said, turning stern and then laughing. Today has been a shock. "There's stuff in line for when this happens, don't worry about your pay check. You're a great employee, Y/N"

"Thank you, Mr Sturniolo" I mumbled, sniffing.

"There's no need, you deserve it. Take your time and I'll see you soon"

"Have a good night" I said, taking the phone away from my ear to hang up.

What the hell?

The tears stream down my cheeks and I start shaking. His words sat in my mind with everything else, but his tone won't leave me alone. He was concerned. I shook my head to clear the thoughts because it doesn't matter. He doesn't matter.

The longer time ticks by, the more I want to call him back. To hear his voice. What is happening to me?


I stood at the door unable to knock on it. I have to pluck up the courage to do it. No knock, no 'it's me' I just opened the door and find the scene laid out in front of me. He looked up at me and his eyes widened.I was afraid he was going to be mad. As the seconds pass, he didn't ask how I had the audacity to barge into his office. He muttered a goodbye and hung up the phone. the sleeves rolled up on his tattooed arms and the blazer he only wears when he has to draped over the back of his chair.

Somehow I think I might have missed you. Might

I swallowed hard and the lump in my throat didn't dare to move. It didn't get any better when his expression softened.

"Hey" he started, his eyebrows furrowing. "What are you doing here? You should be at home"

"I..I can't do it" I croaked, throwing my hands up in defeat.

"Can't do what?" He replied, standing up. That was until he took a step towards me.

I find myself wishing he'd take another step, and another until there was no more to take.

"I can't...I can't go" I said, sobbing when the words came out of my mouth.

"Hey, it's okay, Y/N" he started, holding out his hand. "When does it start, huh?"

I looked up at the clock on the wall. "I have to be there in twenty minutes because I'm family, so I have to be early for the viewing" I answered and looked back to see his full attention on me.

His eyebrows were furrowed but his eyes were soft. Somehow, my body wouldn't relax, but my confusion grew at the sight of the worry on his face. "This is all I could find to wear, and I hate it. It's wrinkly and it doesn't fit anymore. And now my hair is messed up from the rain"

The Assistant (Matt Sturniolo) Where stories live. Discover now