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"You sure you know what you're doing?"

The question bounced around in my head, never staying in one place. Even as I heard my car door lock, I wasn't sure if I knew what I was going. A couple dressed in black walked in front of me, through the doors. Sure, I put the dress on and drove here, but once I walked through the door, the decision had been made. I grab on to the handle, twisting it moments after his teary voice on the phone filled my mind.

I wish it was a foreign sight in front of me. The people around me are, and for a second I worried I wouldn't see the familiar face. He was the only reason I was here. After a few minutes, I walked into another room that was shaped like a circle.

When I went into the last room, the back of his head was unmistakable. So is the woman stood away from the table he was standing at, it must be his Mom. I seen him in her and it made my heart wrench. My heart pounding froze me to the spot.

"You look just like him you know" the words came after I fought for what to say and how to say it. My chest tightened as he turned around, with red eyes.

"Y/N" my name catches in his throat and his lip wobbled.

I couldn't take my eyes off the picture beside the album he was looking through. "I didn't know you were named after him- your middle name, I mean"

I convinced myself to look back at him, my heart squeezed in my chest when I do. Tears have toppled over his waterline and on to his cheeks.

"I forgot I'd told you that" Matt mumbled, wiping his nose. Words were replaced by a sob that shook his head. "Y/N" is all he could say. That's all it took for me to take the step and wrap my arms around him.

My heart calmed down at his familiar scent. His tears paint my neck as he sniffled. I hear voices around us, probably people asking who I was.

"You have no idea..how much it means you being here" he whispered. "Never thought it'd be you I'd turn around to see...you're sneaky"

"I know. I thought of this last night after we spoke, I wasn't sure if I should come because I didn't know him"

"I'm glad you did" he pulled away and smiled at me.

Unsure of what to say, I managed a smile and squeezed his hand. He didn't let go and I couldn't find a reason. It's a forgotten thought, when he turned back to the table, looking at the picture of the man who looked like the one I standing beside.

"He's my Dad's dad, but I always heard we looked alike. Not recently, but when he was my age" Matt commented, rolling up the tissue in his hand.

"He was very handsome" I mumbled, catching him smile when I say that. "But you're cuter"

It was time for me to laugh when I flip the album to a picture of him, showing a toddler with blonde hair.

"God, you were much cuter then, what happened?" I asked, liking how he let out a real laugh. His eyes narrow to me and he shakes his head.

"Hush little one"

I laughed, looking back at a picture that caught my attention. Stepping forward, my fingers trace over the red, chubby face. I laughed, admiring it. I can't believe the Mickey Mouse t-shirt sporting baby in nothing but a diaper running on the grass is Matt. My Matt.

"You were so cute, Matt. My God"

"Thanks" he laughed along with me, drawing my attention away when I felt his thumb stroke the back of my hand. "Him and I were thick as thieves then"

I nodded, spotting his grandfather in the background of the picture, with a smile on his face.

"I can't believe he's gone. I know I got loads mor time than most people..I wanted him to meet my kids one day and see me get married" his last few words were choked with tears. Words escape me, but when I swiped my thumb against his hand and he looked at me. "I don't think I can do it, Y/N"

The Assistant (Matt Sturniolo) Where stories live. Discover now