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"𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓸? 𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓭𝔂?"
Y/n Knocks on the door as the gang blink confused while pigsy was sweating

"Weird,he's usually here" y/n said as they place a finger in thier chin looking at the gang

The door slowly opens showing sandy the gang's mouth drop as they trembled "uh.. y/n?" Tang points behind y/n as they look towards the door

"Oh! Sandy old pal! How are you?" Y/n ask as sandy hummed

"Come in" Sandy gestures for them to get inside as the gang paled y/n nods as they drag the gang inside

"So what bring you here y/n? Pigsy?" Sandy ask as he turns to the sink ,getting a knife and cutting something

"Well- uh we came here to ask of you if uh- you chould take us to Flower Fruit Mountain- the Demon Bull King was released from underneath and we need to get the staff to monkey king" y/n cuts pigsy off as they continued the explanation

"That's a lot to take in. You know what I do to people who disrupt the peace?" Sandy walk to the team as mk , mei and tang held on to y/n as pigsy grips on the couch as the team stares frightenly at sandy

Y/n only sighed as mk held onto y/ns head ,mei hugs y/ns neck while tang hugs y/ns arm, while sandy walks near them

"Serve them tea!" The scary aura of sandy suddenly disappeared as sandy showed a tea set as mo slid from his shoulder and on to y/n's lap

" You guys want some? You? How about that guy over there? Huh? Huh?" Sandy presents the tea set infront of them as mk ,mei and tang slowly let's go of y/n and stares at sandy confused

Tang raised his hand "Oh, yes! Don't mind if I do!"

"Thank you sandy" y/n takes a cup as sandy pours tea in

Pigsy was very confused as mk blinks as he stares at mo who sat on y/n's lap

Tang leans near pigsy to catching his attention "Certain noodle shop owners could learn a lot from your hospitality, Sandy." Mei slid leans near Pisgy too

"Oh, you're right piggy, this guy is dangerous." She takes on of the cats and pop it on Pigsy's head "He'll kill us with cuteness!"

"It's my own blend of anti-stress fruits. It really brings the heart rate down!" Sandy said as y/n gap

"Oh! Chould I have the recipe sandy?" Y/n ask as sandy nod "sure! Anything for a therapy buddy!" Sandy took a paper and started to write on it

"Wait therapy buddy?" Mk said in question looking at y/n

"yeah me and y/n are therapy buds! We have time when getting therapy and we usually talk with eachother when our therapists isn't around" sandy said as he gave y/n the paper of recipe

"You never told us you went into therapy" mei said as she puts her arm over to y/n as y/n sighed

"It was a necessary thing not to tell you guys" y/n said as they continued petting mo

Y/n chould here pigsy growling "Sandy! What happened to you?" Pigsy grabs him by his bead necklace

"Where's the angry, glass-chewing, fist-throwing buddy I used to know!?" Sandy gently place pigsy down like a pigsy was a angry toddler

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