Chapter 2

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Continues from last chapter
Ep 1 Perro/oc pt2

Saw the new eps and lets just whew.


"ambos hombros, uno dislocado y otro baleado."
Angel said as Sage passed the elder man a flashlight.
(both his shoulders , one dislocated and another shot.)

"va a ser un tiempo está en su músculo." The doctor said as Sage checked over the wound nodding.
(its gonna be awhile it's in his muscle)

"What's he saying,Tell him I'm an La mexican." Creeper said.

"Don't worry I don't know what their saying either." Jess said patting his knee.

The boys Joked around Saying creeper wanted a sex change.

The La mexican was very confused , Sage even let out a few chuckles.

Jess had no Idea what was being said , so she sat with Creeper,who was asking what the hell they were saying as he grunted in pain , Sage telling him not to move.

The guys Laughed as it was time to go , The girls having to go with them , saying their goodbye's to the doctor , and a very confused and concerned Creeper.

"When you guys comin' back ? , Angel , Guys." Creeper questioned as they walked out laughing.

Onto the busy streets , stopping at a place , The girls hanging outside with Ez.

An older man started yelling at a little boy who stole some corn , catching the trio's attention.

"dejalo, el esta conmigo." Ez said as Jess helped the boy up asking if was okay.

(leave him , he's with me)

"solo tenia hambre señor." Sage stated with a glare as the boy's hand held onto Jessie's arm
(He was just hungry sir )

The man said he didn't pay him as Ez pulled out a dollar.

"Estás bien?" Ez questioned as the boy stayed silent.

(You okay)

A woman came up to them , the girls knew who she was , Sage and her communicated with their eyes , not that the other two noticed.

"Gracias." She said as they walked away , two of the  girls with her looked like they wanted to go to Sage , As Ez looked away for a second , she signed she'll see them soon.

As they walked away they heard her telling him he had to be faster than that.

"De nada." Ez said as they walked away , He noticed them go into the same building as his brother.


"Well that was somthing , whatcha reading Ez peazy ? , get it , Ez Peazy." Jess rambled as Sage let out a breath.

"Just a book." Ez stated as they were startled by A police siren.

As they got up they noticed them around a dead man , how they didn't notice , who knows.

They looked at the words on one of the walls saying , "Mata Al Diablo Resuctia Mexico."
(Kill the Devil Resuctia Mexico)

"Damn." Jess said as Angel,Gilly, and Coco came out.

Mama didn't raise no bitches // E.R & N.O(book 2)Where stories live. Discover now