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The realms were dangerous, the drivers failed to beat the drones who became more powerful through each realm. The first realm Tesla's crew entered was the Monument Realm. We did not enter it, but we saw how Dr.Tesla's crew did. The Monument Realm was full of statues and marble tracks. There were twists and turns around every corner. Drivers needed to decipher riddles on the walls to choose what path to follow. The realm was full of pyramids and boosts that energized cars. The drones were using them to their advantage, however, the drones were not as good at deciphering the hieroglyphs. Tesla's drivers were able to figure out which direction to go pretty easily by analyzing the hieroglyphs. The Drones split into groups going down different tracks which allowed them to get ahead. Consequently, the human drivers barely made it through the portal in time.

Two days later, we had designed our hologram of the wheel and a track for our drivers to enter the realms with.The first realm we entered was the Fog Realm. I led a team of three brave drivers into the realm. I drove Iridium while one of them drove Technetium while the other drove Accelium. I drove into the portal with my two companions. I was shocked to see very little of the realm due to heavy fog. The Track had twists and turns and we could never see much of the track ahead. Good thing this was the first track we entered, the other drivers barely saw us due to the fog. Sections of the track were Hairpin turns that we could barely see coming. Sequentially, near the end of the track, there were Stone Spires covered in Acceleron symbols. We saw drones ahead of us smash into them and explode. We swerved around them and saw Sidedraft crashed into a Spire with Dan Dresden, its driver unconscious. I grabbed him and put him in my passenger seat. The Drones finished the race and the rest of Tesla's crew followed.After the race, Dan Dresden joined us and we gave him a choice between multiple Silencer vehicles, he chose Covelight.

The next realm to open was the Warped Realm. The Warped Realm was the weirdest realm I've ever seen. As soon as we entered we noticed that the laws of physics were strange, fortunately, we added an E.D.R. function to our vehicles. The first thing we noticed was that everything was distorted. rays of Light seemed to stretch and the tracks were impossibly shaped. The Tracks had holes throughout them that made them difficult to stay on. Gravity was weird, we could drive upside down and on walls, and gravity still held us to the track. Gravity was nonexistent in some sections, so we had to drive quickly through them so the inertia would allow us to reach the tracks ahead.

Dan Dresden followed me through the tracks while one of our drivers used Nitrox at the wrong time which sent him flying into the abyss. Near the end of the Realm, the Tracks twist, and maintaining control is almost impossible. The Drones were right in front of us, and we could have caught up with them. However, Alec Wood was thrown off the track and his car Switchback spun around while flying through the realm. Dan Dresden used his Nitrox booster to launch himself off the track to catch up with Alec Wood. Meanwhile, I drove through the strange tracks but failed to catch up with the Racing Drones Lieutenant who drove RD-08. He drove through the portal and won the Accelecharger.Dan Dresden continued to fly through the abyss to save Alec. By then Kadeem, Banjee, and I had made it through the portal. Only a minute was left on the clock and Dan Dresden busted the window of Switchback and caught Alec before pulling him into Covelight. Finally, Dresden pressed the E.D.R. and the car flew through the portal into our base. The portal closed, and we had lost another race, but we had saved another driver Tesla's crew failed to save.

The next realm to open was the Swamp Realm, It was just as hard as the Warped Realm. The Drones struggled to get past the organic monsters that stood in their way. They were all destroyed because they failed to find a line with the best traction. Of Tesla's Crew, only Banjee Castillo went into the swamp realm.I drove through the realm along with Dan Dresden and Alec Wood. Alec Wood drove Anthracite for the first time. We saw Banjee drive Ballistik through the realm until a Behemoth Mosquito grabbed his car and carried him away. The Realm was about to close, and he had been left to die in the swamp, his car was sinking and he was going to drown. We were afraid to reach the end of the realm, so we had to use the Emergency Driver Return to get back. Alec Wood drove on a nearby tree to reach Banjee. he saved him and used the E.D.R. to teleport into our base. The realm was not completed, and nobody took the Accelecharger, so we would have to wait for it to reopen. Banjee thanked us for saving his life and agreed to join us. We showed him his choices for a new car, and he chose Technetium.

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