thirty six

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I wake up from my nap in the car when the road starts getting bumpier, and I get shaken by a particularly big one.

"Sorry, I try to avoid them but it's kinda impossible," Adrian tells me softly and I nod in understanding, stretching and yawning a bit, before settling down again and start watching the scenery passing by.

It's not all too different from ours at home, but the forest is more open, and there's a lot more sunshine shining through the trees than it did back at the hut or in the pack.

"It's pretty, right?" Levi asks, and I nod, wishing Tristan could be here.

He almost had a heart attack when I told him I'd be away for two days, and I just laughed at him, but I wish he was here too.

"When are we gonna be there?" I ask, and Levi and Adrian look at each other, before Levi turns around to look at me.

"We're gonna make a... quick stop somewhere before if that's alright?" he asks, the excitement in his voice clear as a day, but there's also nervousness.

"Uh, yeah, sure," I answer, and Levi smiles again, before turning back to the road.

Soon the forest becomes less and less dense, and you can already see a clearing from afar, and I frown, wondering what they're up to.

Soon there are no trees in sight anymore, and Adrian stops the car at a fence, where yellowish grass is growing all around it, making it impossible to see what's behind it.

"Where are we?" I ask, confused, but they jsut share a look again, and a frustrated sigh escapes my lips.

"Why don't you see for yourself," Adrian just comments dryly, and I almost roll my eyes, but decide to do as he says for once.

As soon as the air hits my face, my eyes widen, and I hop towards the fence, only to stop once I see where we're at.

Adrian and Levi stop right beside me, and I know they're not looking at the view, but at me.

"You brought me to the sea?" I ask them, somehow out of breath, and when both of them just nod sheepishly, I can't help but jump up and pull the both of them in a hug.

"I can't fucking believe you guys," I whisper in excitement, and they chuckle, but before they can react to my hug, I'm already letting them go again to look at the ocean once more.

My wolf is practically bouncing from eagerness, and he urges me to just jump over the fence and run straight into the water, but I hesitate, and turn towards my mates.

"Can I, uh, go for a swim? I know we're here on a... mission-"

"Of course, you can Rafael. That's why we brought you here," Adrian tells me with a soft look in his eyes, and my face lights up in excitement, and I'm all ready to jump over the fence, but turn around to look at them again.

"Thank you," I tell them sincerely, my heart warm because of their simple idea, and Levi beams at me, while Adrian just nods with a content look on his face.

"Come on," Levi urges, and the both of us start climbing the fence and running off toward the sea.

Mid-run I lose all my clothes and when there's only my underwear left, I run into to water, the cold not stopping me one bit. Levi is hot on my heel, and soon we're in the water, splashing water at each other like little kids.

Suddenly he jumps at me and tries to pull me underwater, but instead, he just slips awkwardly, making me laugh loudly.

"Holy fuck it's freezing," he complains almost immediately when he comes up again and I just smirk, spraying as much water on him as I can.

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