thirty seven

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On our way to the Alpha Everetts pack, my mind replays the events of the day, a small smile on my lips.

We mostly ate in silence, just enjoying each other's presence, and after we were done, we layed down next to each other, looking at the sky through the window on the roof of the car.

I haven't felt peace like this in a long time. Laying between the both of them, watching the raindrops falling from the sky, just like we did so often when were kids.

There's still so much unsaid, and so much hurt and mistrust, but for once I just wanted to enjoy their presence. The warmth that was emitting from both of them.

I wish we could've more days like this. Without having to worry about everything all the time.

Let the sea wash away my worries, even if for a short time.

"Thank you again," I murmur silently, and Adrian glances at me quickly, his face softening almost immediately.

I know he's nervous about the meeting. Alpha Everett has always worked close with Afrians father, and now Adrian hoped gor the same. He wants to make a good impression.

"You don't have to thank us," he tells me quietly, stealing a glance at the sleeping Levi in the back. To my surprise, he reaches out for my hand, intertwining our fingers softly.

I just look at them for s moment, before squeezing his hand lightly, my gaze turning out the window again.


"Levi," Adrian calls out his name after a good twenty minutes, and by the way he's squeezing my hand more tightly, I know we're gonna be here soon.

My guess is proven right, when a wolf starts running along the car, his eyes sharp and calculating, but all he does is follow us until we see the first light in the distance.

Levi wakes up confused at first, but soon realizes what's happening and sits up straight, his face suddenly becoming terribly serious, just like Adrians' does, when they share a quick glance, and probably some encouraging words through the mind-link.

Alpha and Beta mode are on, I guess. Or Luna. Fuck, why do I still not know what position Levi really has in the pack? Did he mention it before?

Suddenly I feel a little out of place.

When I try to pull away my hand from Adrians he doesn't let me, instead giving it a squeeze, as if trying to tell me not to let go.

So I don't, and I keep watching the wolf that runs alongside the car, although now a little further in the woods, with other shapes running with him.

Soon we're in the clearing, and Adrian stops the car in front of a massive house, just as big as our pack house, if not bigger.

And only now I seem to realize that I have seriously no clue what the actual fuck I'm doing here. I don't know how to do... pack stuff.

I'm not even in a pack!

A snort almost escapes me at the thought, but I keep it in, waiting for Adrian and Levi to move.

When Levi is the first one to get out of the car, I follow him soon after giving Adrian one more reassuring squeeze.

Soon Adrian gets out of the car as well, and I walk up to them rather awkwardly, but when they hear me approach, they almost immediately part, to make place for me in the middle of them.

I look at the both of them rather surprised, but their gazes are fixed onto the person that steps up in front of us.

"Alpha Adrian, Beta Levi... and Luna Rafael, if I'm right?" said person asks, and I almost choke on my own spit, the second his words register in my head.

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