Part 4

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Pulling up to the Wembley stadium I couldn't contain my excitement anymore. " OMG IM SO HAPPY!!!! OMG WHAT IF WE MEET A PLAYER OMGGGGGGGG!!!!!" I screamed. Jasmine just laughed at me " that would be quite great...." Just in the tone of her voice I knew she wasn't saying something but I JSUT forgot about it since I was so excited.

We walked into the busy crowds and into the stands. We walked and walked down until we were at the front. " hey guys we've only got 20 minutes until players come on let's go up to our seat!" Jasmine just shakes her head and gives me my ticket. FRONT ROW!! Omg I'm going to pass out from excitement.

The players walked out with Leah guiding them. They started to sing the national anthem and then shook hands with Prince William before they started. The match begun and tension was high.
90 minutes later

The lionesses did it we beat Germany. The players celebrated before coming round to fans. Leah Williamson passed and we went crazy. Especially Jasmine. Williamson has always been her favourite. " LEAH LEAH CAN YOU SIGN OUR SHIRTS!!" We screamed. She turned and started walking over. OMG!!!! "Hi omg we're such big fans and your amazing and the game was wonderful your captain skills are grea." Jasmine out her hand over my mouth before I could finish. " sorry about my friend she's just the biggest football fan ever." Apologised Jasmine. Leah just smiled before saying " it's all good that used to be me now where shall I sign?"  We got he to sign our shirts before she ran off. We weren't going to leave u til we got kicked out or they all left the pitch. We want crazy when Toone and Russo came and signed our shirts. Right now they were all in a big group chatting before 4 people left the group. Williamson,Nobbs,Toone and STANWAY.

Hey guys sorry I haven't posted for awhile I've been Ill. I still am so it's only a small post but I hope it's enough for now. My birthday is at the weekend so I won't post until Tuesday sorry guys.
What do you think will happen next?
Comment and vote please xxxx
Have a great weekend!
If your doing GCSEs or Alevels good luck and keep going


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