Part 6

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// Before I start I just want to say I'm very sorry for not posting for nearly a month I've been really busy with school. Also I want to say thank you for 1K reads!!! I'm really upset about Russo leaving United😢😢. Now I will get on with the story.//


I had just woken up I was still in complete shock. GEORGIA STANWAY THINKS SHES MY MOM!! It's crazy but to be honest when you think about it it's not the craziest idea.
Today I was going to meet Georgia at the local Starbucks. I quickly applied some concealer onto my bruises and changed into my outfit.

 I quickly applied some concealer onto my bruises and changed into my outfit

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I wanted to wear something nice but not look like I'm trying to hard. I can wear shorts since I don't have any scars or bruises there.
I tried climbing out the window since even though my "parents" aren't home I still am careful.
Georgia's POV:

I was sitting at the cafe a nervous wreck. Leah had offered to come but I denied since I didn't want Millie to freak out. I'm sitting here drinking my latte contemplating whether she'll actually show I know it's a lot to handle for a teenage girl. Just as I am about to get up to leave I see Millie walk through the door. " hello what can I get you to drink?" I asked her. "Just a waters fine." She replied. We sat down in silence until I decided to break it. " so any questions?" I asked trying to lighten the mood.


"So any questions?" Asked Georgia trying to lighten the mood. I already knew why she gave me up so I had to think a bit. " if your really
My mum then will I come to live with you?" That's the only question I could think of since I really wanted to get out of the hellhole I live in which I sadly have to call home. Georgia paused before saying " I would love that but of course your living with your foster family and it's not that simple there's lots of legal stuff but I would love to try." Smiled Georgia.

Millie StanwayWhere stories live. Discover now