Part 7

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I'm back guys and I want to say thank you for 2K reads. I'm really sorry for not releasing a new part in over a month. I will try my hardest to make a few this week. OMG ENGLAND ARE THROUGH TO THE SEMI FINALS !!!Let's get on with the book.

Millie's pov:

We were currently driving down the high street to get to the foster care office. Georgia had decided she wanted me back as soon as possible which I'm not complaining about. I'm still in complete shock over the fact that THE GEORGIA STANWAY is my mum. Once we arrived I could sense Georgia was nervous I mean I'd be lying if I said I wasn't either. We went into the room and I had to explain to the lady about meeting Georgia and now wanting to live with here. She seemed understanding that was until she said she needed consent from my foster parents though. That was not happening. " I can't get there consent ...... they abused me" I managed to whisper out on the verge of tears. " Hun being told you can't go on your phone all the time isn't abuse." How could she? This is why I never spoke up before. I have proof though so she'll have to believe me. I grab out my phone and find all the pictures I took. " you don't believe me then what is this!" I shoved my phone in her face and the shock on her face was a picture. " oh my I will get the papers started and call the police.

Soon enough police sirens were heard and a few officers came in "we'd like to bring Millie for questioning at the station." I knew this was going to happen but I couldn't. My breathing quickened and I felt myself start to get light headed Luckily Georgia said "I don't think that's going to be an option she's mortified."

A little while later we'd been told my parents had been arrested for child abuse and Georgia now has full custody of me so I would move in with her immediately. Luckily I didn't have any items so I didn't need to go back to that places I used to call home.

"I was ready for my new life to start!"

⚠️Guys this is not the end of the story⚠️

Millie StanwayWhere stories live. Discover now