Part 5

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They were coming to us ahhhh. I was going pass out from freaking out at some point. As they were walking over all my worry's left me and I only had excitement in me. " Hello we heard your big fans of the lionesses!" Smiled Toone. " yes you guys are amazing your so inspiring." Said me and Jasmine. "Hey I'm Georgia Stanway what's your guys names?" "I'm Millie and this is Jasmine we're best friends." I was so nervous like I'm talking to GEORGIA STANWAY! " Hey I'm Jordan Nobbs and without being weird when's your guys birthdays?" I was a bit weirded out by their questions but when along with it
" my birthday is next week June 5th and Jasmines is March 3rd" They all gave Georgia a weird look. Weird? " well after everyone leaves come to the tunnel!" Whispered Leah Williamson. "Ok alright!" Smiled Jasmine. .Williamson has always been her favourite.
Me and Jasmine headed down to the tunnel feeling nervous and a bit excited we were meeting our idols. Soon enough Jordan Nobbs came out to us " hey guys follow me".  We walked in to see Ella Toone and Georgia Stanway sitting down. " Heh I'm gonna let you guys talk." Ella toone stood up. This is definitely weird now. " hey Millie I don't want to weird you out I just want you to hear me out" I just nodded in reality I was scared. " I had a daughter when I was 12" I did not know that but I don't know why she's telling me this. " I got raped and had to give her up. I told the centre to keep her name the same so that I could find her someday. When I turned 18 I knew I had to do something to prove that I cared and wanted to find her so I got this tattoo. 5.6.2010." My birthday! " Your saying that..... I..I'm y.....our ....d...sigh....ter" I was in shock . " yes I mean you look like teenage me your birthday your name and your eyes?" I was in shock still. " I understand this is a lot but if you want to maybe we could meet up at a café tomorrow and you can ask me anything?"

Hey guys sorry for not posting. What do you think will happen next? Foster parents?
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