03 : Noble

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"Yes, that's what I'm saying. It'll just cost you money," Apricity said firmly.

The bartender, Aurum, narrowed his eyes. "Last time I trusted you, I ended up giving out free drinks for two weeks. Plus, you got way too much money," he added suspiciously, taking a step toward Apricity.

Apricity's ears drooped slightly and he took a small step back. "Hey, hey, don't get so hasty now, jumping to conclusions here."

Aurum glared at him. "And how am I to know that I won't come to regret this later?"

Apricity shrugged. "You don't, you just gotta trust me!"

Aurum glared at him for a long moment, before turning and stomping back inside the building. "I'll get the money," he grunted. 

As soon as the reluctant bartender disappeared inside, Apricity felt his ears droop. Despite what he had been arguing about for the past hour, he knew that this was nothing more than a scam. He was a grifter, a con artist, a swindlerr. Whatever you want to call it. 

He hated his job. He felt like it was just reinforcing the stereotype that all dragons from the Scorpion Den were criminals. He tried, he really did. Apricity even had a part-time job at a library, reading story time to the dragonets. 

But it wasn't enough. 

He was the oldest of five dragonets and had grown up in the hostile environment of the Scorpion Den. The final straw had been when his mother, a SandWing, killed his father, an IceWing, merely because 'IceWings shouldn't be in the Scorpion Den'. 

Their marriage had never been a happy one, and both parents had been neglective and borderline abusive. Apricity had tried his hardest to look after his younger siblings, but it just wasn't enough. He had taken what little money he had and his few belongings and fled the Sand Kingdom, looking for a better life. 

He found his way to the Sky Kingdom, where he got citizenship and settled down. But the meager wage he earned from the library wasn't enough, and he quickly had to switch to his old instincts to survive. 

Then he met her. Stardust, the most perfect dragon he'd ever seen. She had grown up in the Diamond spray delta and had moved to the Sky Kingdom when her parents died. She had been an apprentice healer when they had met, and Apricity had only told her of his actual work and backstory after they had been dating for a few months. 

To his surprise, Stardust was understanding and sympathetic, for she too had a rough dragonet hood. They had been married for two years now, and although Stardust was a fully licensed healer, they were still struggling for money. 

So here Apricity was, grifting this poor bartender so his family could survive. Stardust was too perfect for him, too sweet. What had he ever done to deserve her? 

You were honest, Apricity. Instead of hiding your true self, you showed it to her. That's why you're here. You're honest with her, Apricity wished he had something better to do, but most high-paying jobs would never be given to a hybrid with a bad background. 

Aurum returned holding a large sack. "This should be enough." 

Apricity instantly snapped out of his thoughts and put on his businessman persona. "Yes, of course!" He took the sack. "Now I'll be on my way." 

Aurum nodded and turned to head back inside his tavern. Apricity stood still for a moment, breathing in deeply. He didn't even check to see if it was the proper amount; he trusted Aurum and if he did, he would feel even more guilty.

He made his way back through the streets, bathing in the sunlight and the loud noises and strong smells of the market. He found himself wandering through the streets without meaning. There was a poor and rich part of the city, and he was in the poor part. 

The slums. 

Shouts and jostling brought Apricity back to attention. There was some commotion up ahead, and he decided to head toward it. There was a whole crowd of dragons gathered around a SkyWing. Except this wasn't a normal SkyWing. 

She had white scales and a golden underbelly. Her eyes were the same golden color, but her wing sails were a pale peachy color and were semi-transparent. The crowd seemed to be yelling at her. 

Apricity frowned. She looked so out of place here, with her gleaming white scales and fancy-looking golden jewelry. She must be a member of the nobility, Apricity decided. 

A dirty-looking MudWing darted forward and the dragon let out a yelp and swatted him away. Apricity glanced around, looking for a face he knew. Seeing none, he asked a random stranger the question that was on his mind. "What's going on here?" 

The SeaWing that he'd asked gave him a toothy grin. "Some stuck-up noble came a-walkin'. By the next hour, she'll probably be torn to strips." 

Apricity frowned and shouldered his way through the crowd, making sure to hold on tightly to the sack of coins he was holding. Pickpockets thrived in crowds like this. "Excuse me, coming through," he said loudly. 

He walked right up to the White SkyWing and put his hand on her shoulder. "Sorry for the commotion, my daughter just wandered off from school. It's all getting back to control." 

The White SkyWing's face wrinkled in rage and she tried to pull away, but Apricity continued. "I know, she really can have a dirty mouth sometimes." 

The rest of the crowd just watched silently as Apricity firmly walked the white dragon out of the center of the crowd and down the street. As soon as they turned the corner, the SkyWing tried to pull away, and Apricity let her. 

"I'd recommend getting back to your home, or school, or wherever you're supposed to be," Apricity said. 

She looked at him aghast. "Um- Thank you... Do you need payment or something?" 

Apricity wrinkled his nose. "Don't mention it," he said as he walked away.

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Yes. Once my summer break begins again, chapters will be more consistent.

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